TRISTE REALIDADE MUNDIAL: Ruthless and extreme acts of violence - TopicsExpress


TRISTE REALIDADE MUNDIAL: Ruthless and extreme acts of violence against other animals are in fact the norm in every society in the world. In France, wealthy gourmands can still arrange a private meal of roasted ortolan—the endangered songbird who, by tradition, has its eyes put out before being force-fed for weeks and finally drowned in a snifter of brandy. In Spain, over 11,000 bulls are ritually tortured and killed before thousands of cheering human beings each year. In the Middle East, Muslims celebrate Eid and Ramadan by slitting the throats of hundreds of thousands of live goats, cheering as they struggle in pain, bleeding to death. In 2006, officials in southwestern Yunnan Province in China “killed more than 50,000 pet dogs in five days,” after a few isolated cases of rabies appeared in the Province. “Dogs being walked were taken from their owners and beaten on the spot….Other teams entered villages at night, creating noise to get dogs barking, and then beating them to death.” In some instances, owners were forced to hang their own dogs in front of their house, while their children looked on. Two years later, Chinese officials ordered a similar pogrom of cats in Beijing in preparation for the Olympic games. Hundreds of thousands of cats were rounded up, packed tightly into wire cages, then transferred to what Chinese observers termed “death camps” set up on the capital’s periphery. There, they were killed outright or simply left to starve or succumb slowly to disease. Thousands more were sent to Guangzhou, apparently to be killed for their flesh–Chinese restaurants serve cat
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 17:24:01 +0000

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