TV or No TV............that is the question. - TopicsExpress


TV or No TV............that is the question. Hey.....I know no one really cares about what I think, but somethings have to be said. First of all, you 1st. Amendment freaks..... I am an advocate for anyone wanting to express their opinion and Ill fight to protect that right. Unfortunately the broadcasting of the COLP Common Council Meeting have taken on a life of its own. Yes...they are entertaining Ill give you that, but entertaining is all they are. Its like a bad sit-com. And just like most bad sit-coms....It needs to be cancelled. It has become a platform for scolding city officials, most of the time by people who voted them into office in the first place. Then we have people running for office now using this venue for political purposes. Occasionally we will have someone who knows what theyre talking about and can articulate theyre point, but those moments are like a balanced budget....rare. We are in desperate need of Do ers not talkers or teachers, or self-righteous blow-hards who like to be on TV. Trash dumped in an area, underground water that should have been taken care of 25 years ago, tree branches, pot holes, these are all issue that should be given to your Alderman and then discussed with the Mayor or department heads by your elected official. These are not the BIG issues that deserve air-time. A new format or better yet a way of presenting questions and getting answers needs to be established. This gotcha! questioning mostly designed to get the questioner a pat on the back when they go to TOPS by people who saw them on TV, is a waste of valuable time.Your freedom of expressions should come in the form of a Ward meeting that is held on a regular basis by...your Alderman. Wow! great idea right? When was the last time you saw your Alderman on your street walking the district making notes about what needs to be made better?. This isnt brain surgery, its management, and we need more managers and less Bobble-Heads.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 12:57:15 +0000

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