TWO GIRLS ... ONE BIG GODWINK! “My girlfriend and I took a - TopicsExpress


TWO GIRLS ... ONE BIG GODWINK! “My girlfriend and I took a weekend trip to Philadelphia. I WAS FLAT BROKE, but Pam said, ‘Don’t worry about it, I don’t have much money, but I’LL PAY for gas, food and hotel.’ We checked into the hotel, Pam gave them her credit card, and we headed out for a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. While getting our food, Pam sat her pocketbook on the counter and turned around to get some napkins. When we sat down to eat, a panicked look came over Pam’s face. She realized her wallet was missing from her pocketbook. Frantic, we searched all around the restaurant but the wallet was gone. We now had NO MONEY, NO CREDIT CARDS and no way back to Pittsburgh since the car gas gauge had been on empty when we parked it at the hotel. Walking down the street, we continued to SEARCH FOR THE WALLET, and finally found it in a trash can. All the cash and credit cards WERE GONE. We felt defeated but, at least grateful that Pam had gotten her I.D. back. We concluded that we had no choice but to LEAVE the next morning. The next day we pulled the car into a gas station, past A DIRTY HOMELESS MAN, and began rummaging through our purses for LOOSE CHANGE in hopes of finding enough to get us home. We scoured the car. We looked under seat cushions and floor mats cheering each time we found a quarter. Our mood actually turned jovial as we kept saying, ‘GOD WILL HANDLE THIS. Well be fine’. As we dug for more change, we noticed that the homeless man was WATCHING US curiously. We smiled, waved hello, and kept on about our business. Several minutes later the homeless man walked up to the car and asked what we were doing. Laughing and shaking our heads at the mess we were in, we quickly explained the situation. ‘You girls shouldnt be in this part of town,’ said the man. HE THEN HANDED US HIS PAPER CUP FULL OF CHANGE—the money hed begged for all morning long. Over his shoulder, as he walked away, the man had a final piece of advise. ‘Get home safe.’ We were astounded … and very grateful … that God had sent us this UNLIKELY ANGEL. Many others, well dressed, with fancy cars, came and went that morning at the gas station, but none had offered to help. It was the FILTHY MAN IN RAGS who delivered GOD’S LOVE to us. The money he gave us bought just enough gas to get us home. Safely.” Jennifer •••• When YOU FIND YOURSELF stuck in a tough spot, don’t be surprised if it isn’t SOMEONE WHO HAS THE LEAST who helps you out ... like the poor widow in the Ancient Scriptures: while some “gave out of their wealth, she gave out of her poverty.” Another quote, good for us to recall is: “God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9:7 ) May you have a day filled with GODWINKS! SQuire FYI: Jennifer’s letter is from Chapter 20 of Godwink Stories: A Devotional
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:50:01 +0000

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