Take time and Read This !NO MORE Sadness Depression and Anxiety ! - TopicsExpress


Take time and Read This !NO MORE Sadness Depression and Anxiety ! I thank God for Facebook for giving me the chance to help people all over the globe. I wish I could help at a faster pace but God will take care of that. You need spiritual tools that you can apply to help yourself when no one is there to help you. I wish I had time to get everyone in a room and just inform you about what I had to do to obtain healing, I wish I could let every one know instantly what I have learned though10 years of research and my own suffering, in order to save you extra problem and worries. If you suffer from depression please hold on to this! Surround yourself with beautiful calming pictures, this will help the glands in your body. When you keep looking at these beautiful calming pictures think about something pleasant and it will ease your mind. You can also add writing a beautiful statement about your self while surrounding yourself with beautiful pictures. Get a bottle of water glass bottle is better and place it in a room with soothing gospel music or simple cover the water with an open Bible on Psalm 23, 121 or 34 these words will change the molecules of the water it will become Holy Water , use the water after 3 days. Prepare enough to drink and wash your face etc, When you begin this exercise you will find yourself producing gentle smiles these smiles will happen automatically as you look at the beautiful pictures. The smiles will help your glands to produce the hormones needed to eliminate depression. If you have space set up a feel good room! Paint the room in white, put up calming pictures,add a lot of plants, and fresh flowers, you must also wear soft colors and add soothing music. use this room as a prayer room. when you enter the room burn some Frankincense and Myrrh this will relax the mind. Burning these things are very sacred they were used at the birth of Jesus for a reason, please use them they truly help the nervous system. REMEMBER THIS! WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE IS GREATER THAN WHAT YOU CAN SEE. THE METHOD I AM GIVING YOU WILL HELP YOU TO TAKE BACK YOUR PEACE IN THE NAME OF JESUS. This atmosphere will stimulate the glands that control mood. In a short time you will begin to feel better and soon you will throw those pills out the window. Try this, create your own little dance, and song using these words: JEHOVAH SHALOM, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, JEHOVAH RAPHA IS HERE RIGHT NOW, PEACE IS MINE HEALTH IS MINE I AM BEING LOVE BY GOD RIGHT NOW! If you read this post please share it. Depression is really hell on earth help somebody to be free now! God bless you!
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:01:13 +0000

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