Tales From The Pit #4© Dealing Craps at Caesars AC in the late - TopicsExpress


Tales From The Pit #4© Dealing Craps at Caesars AC in the late eighties common knowledge was we had the best(and busiest) Craps department in town and in fact the world( Yeah even Vegas). The supervisors who had opened us as dealers had a superior attitude. For the most part it was deserved. This is one story of how they spent their time in the breakroom. We had a shift manager and Craps dept Mgr. named Jack Miller. Jack was old school from Vegas. He had a high pitched squeaky voice. He looked like a bear without hair. As a side note he raised orchids. John P. a boxman on dayshift experienced a shoulder separation and had surgery for it. In the late eighties you could go out for a medical for six months and keep your job. At this time Craps people were in short supply in town. After two weeks John was sorely missed both for his funny high strung personality and that several individuals had to work six days to make up for his absence. Tony P. (John’s distant cousin),Chris J, Tom M, and Dick C decided to try and get John back to work early. Tom brought in a tape recorder and the four all attempted the best imitation of Jack Miller’s (Dept Mgr.) voice. After one tie vote Chris J a floorperson won. The next day all four came in early. Someone brought in a speaker to play off the payphone in the lounge. Chris dials. John answers,”Hello.” Straining his voice Chris says, “Hello John this is Jack Miller how are you feeling? “Oh hi Jack I’m getting better thanks for asking.” “John we’re a little shorthanded around here. I want you to come back tomorrow.” “But Jack I still have the cast on the arm. I couldn’t even put a fill on the game if I had to.” “Well now John you’ll make out. We’ll get a dealer to help you. You want to keep your job don’t you?” “Well I am out on a medical.!” “Well John if you can’t come back now we have to get somebody else. We’ll have to put you in housekeeping when you come back. Come in dressed tomorrow I’ll see you on the casino floor at 12:00 noon. John whimpers,” okay.” As your humble correspondent I was off the next day. I learned a couple of the perpetrators were on the floor as John appeared walking up to Jack Miller. John had a suit on--sort of. The dress shirt he wore had the sleeve split to accommodate his immobilized arm in a cast. Somehow he had pinned his jacket on himself sideways. He looked like one of those 18th century cavalry Hussars in Napoleon movies with the jacket half on. With some investigation of people near the conversation the following was said to have been heard. “Here I am Jack” “Yeah Hi John what are you doing here?” “You told me to come in today to work.” “Are you still on some kind of medication?” “You called me yesterday and said to come in!” “Crap John I didn’t call you. Look at you. You couldn’t even put a fill on a game or reach .Now get the hell out of here and watch the painkillers.” Later when John got back to work he took revenge. He shorted the Perp’s E.O.’s. NEXT WEEK : Another Angelo Story
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:54:03 +0000

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