Taliban warns Loya Jirga against approving US security - TopicsExpress


Taliban warns Loya Jirga against approving US security pact November 11, 2013 Taliban militant have threatened to kill members of Loya Jirga if they allow the US to set up permanent military bases in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 deadline for withdrawal of foreign troops, Press TV reports. This comes as civil leaders and members of Loya Jirga known as the grand assembly of elders are to gather in Kabul in the third week of November to decide whether to support a deal allowing some US troops to stay in the country after 2014. On Monday, Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said signing a Kabul-Washington Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) would be a betrayal to Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai has recently told media that he is not ready to sign the deal as long as it does not suit Afghanistans interests and purposes. However, the president noted that his government would abide by the decision of the assembly. The meeting comes after several rounds of talks between Washington and Kabul on the security deal bore no fruit. The two sides remained at odds on the issue of immunity for American troops. Washington says there will be no deal without immunity while Kabul considers it a violation of its sovereignty. Kabul and Washington are also at odds over US demands for the right to conduct unilateral military operations, and how the US would pledge to protect Afghanistan. The developments have once again dashed American hopes that a pact can be quickly finalized. Meanwhile, several Afghan political parties have recently heaped scorn on US-led forces for committing unforgivable crimes against Afghan women and children since invading the country in 2001. The Islamic Movement of Afghanistan Party and several other political factions have released a statement warning that things will get worse should the US sets up its bases in Afghanistan from mustafa khan
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:51:42 +0000

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