Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani - With the establishment of the modern - TopicsExpress


Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani - With the establishment of the modern State of Israel, many people thought that we finally would see an end to our suffering and loss of precious lives. Alas, that has not happened. Every few years we experience an escalation of the acts of terrorism and outright war between the tiny Jewish State and its neighbors, who have been funded by you! This year we again unfortunately experience how the terrorists have intensified their murderous acts, and we find ourselves in a fierce battle to protect the population all over Israel from the deadly missiles. We can only marvel at the Divine protection that we experience, but at the same time we cry out to our Father in Heaven to take mercy on the soldiers who daily risk their lives to uproot those whose only aim is to terrorize and, Gd forbid, annihilate us. Qatar is #1 when it comes to being a terrorism sponsoring state in the world. It has been buying blue chip companies around the world... how nice!!! Qatar has for instance a representation office for the Taliban in Doha plus they are financially supporting al-Qaida, Muslim Brotherhood, The Truth About Hamas and similar group and only recently Saudi Arabia, UAE, KUWAIT and Egypt have pulled their ambassadors from Qatar in protest. Qatar owns huge stakes in Credit Suisse, Barclays & Deutsche Bank, and companies ranging from commodities giant Glencore, Royal Dutch Shell & Porsche to name just a few of 100s of investments across the world, while their fellow muslim brothers, sisters and children are being killed. They also donate big sums of money to universities in the US and EU, thereby shaping the western intellectual elites opinions. This in turn trickles down to the media which shapes public opinion. The timing of what is happening reminds us that this is the final part of our suffering in exile. Our soldiers are fighting an enemy that has absolutely no interest or intention to live in peace with us. They do not care about their own people, and use women and children as human shields to turn the world against us. There is no natural way to win this war, since for everyone who falls or surrenders there is always someone else who will take over and continue their acts of terror. Our Torah leaders guide us to strengthen ourselves and pour out our hearts in prayer. For, as the Talmud (Sotah 49a) says, We have no one to turn to but our Father in Heaven. The anti-Semites of the world are busy blaming us for what is going on, and our friends offer words of support, but have no real way to help the situation. From 1948 Independence War up to now, Israel has been winning over her enemies. The Torah declared in Genesis 12:3, God will bless those who will bless Israel and God will curse those who will curse Israel. This declaration has turned to be true so far. Israel has been blessed in the midst of cursed Middle East. Look up Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, etc. ravaged by their own like ISIS - Sunni, Al Queda, Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah - Shiite, Wahabi, Alawite, and other muslim terrorist groups. Well, Iran and Qatar are cursing Israel, we know whats coming their way. The western world is blind to money sources funding terrorists. India , think about it. Qatar is about 10% Arab (some tribes which moved into the area around the same time the British did) and the rest are virtual slaves from the subcontinent. Taking it over could be completed in a day and India would have its first colony. A legitimate one as Indians do all the work and are an overwhelming majority of the population. Free Indian Qatar - that is the real inhabitants.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:37:06 +0000

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