Tanners Voyages (Trip Home) Chap Twenty Eight / Segment - TopicsExpress


Tanners Voyages (Trip Home) Chap Twenty Eight / Segment Four. At last, The site all the crew was wanting to see. The Donatra was docked. Jin pulled the Keshara in behind but then suddenly she ordered the ships starboard thrusters to fire. Port controller chimed in. Is their a problem? Jin flipped a switch. Port Controller, No problem. Our crew has been away and needs to see our beautiful home. We will orbit around and park. Helm transfer the view screen to all viewers and monitors. Jin flipped the PA switch and said Crew of Keshara we are home. My personal thanks for a job well done. Jin knew how to thank and care for her crew. They all knew who she was and who she married too. Many were the same. No less dedicated to serving The Queen, Her Preator and the Romulan Federation as a whole. Janet came up on bridge and gasped at the viewer Jaden in springtime exploded with color, then as spring began to wain towards Summer The green of forest began to slowly take over. The color change from Purple to Green was majestic. We completed our orbit and Port Controler activated her Tractor beams and took over all controls. The port controller came back on the Coms. He said, mouring beams are active. The ship is docked and all beams at station keeping. Reading All Stop and propulsion is shut down Welcome home Captain Tanner. The first ever to journey to Earth and back in over one hundred years. Jin sat there in her chair as the whole bridge exploded in applause and cheers. Janet held and hugged her from behind whispering I am so proud of you my wife. Jin looked up and gave her wife a big kiss. It only made the cheers louder. Wiping her eyes, she snickered a little and blushed. Janet said get used to it. What awaits you down there is so much bigger . Jin said Deck officer, see to it all systems and stations are locked down and switched over to maintenance mode. The crew is to be assigned extended shore leave. Tell them to stay out of trouble or be marooned on board till the next voyage. I must go change and be ready. Meanwhile, a very sleepy eyed Queen woke and stretched. Her head laying on the bare chest of the man she loved. She said in her mind Wake my love its almost time for the Senate. Grumbeling in his sleep Jake said frack them I want my wife. He rolled over and yawned. His sleepy eyes filled with sparkles as he looked deep in hers. He said in his mind. To feel you again, hear the warmth of your mind inside mine is so relaxing. I missed you. When I heard their was a shooting down on earth I almost stroked out. Now laying here making a big mess in Allisters bed. Margret broke out in a big wicked grin. Snickering she said Im sure his Audry helps him out with that now. Snickering, Jake said can you imagine those two together? Margret climbed over on top and impaled herself on Jake. Gasping and arching her back as she drove herself down even more she said I think we need concentrate on our own play and let Audry enjoy hers. Margrets little baby pooch had grown but was still small. Jake was amazed and gently waved his warm hands a crossed it. His light touch was electric to Margret and she used her empathic link to let Jake feel it too. They both moaned with pleasure. Looking down at her Jake her eyes all sparkles Margret smiled. Chiding her Jake, she said If my son is born with a flat spot on his head it will be your fault. Jake rolled her over and said well if it must be flat lets make it good and flat. Kissing her husband she moaned. Jake holding her hands above her head as their bodies moved and merged as lovers do. Each sharing the thoughts and feelings of the other, It didnt take long for the explosion of love to happen deep inside. As Margrets crested, the shower of endorphins filled her body with tingles all the way down to her toes. She moaned and arched her back curling her toes as she squeezed her self on Jakes manhood. Jake felt his and her feelings at the same time and exploded again deep inside. The link now complete both felt more normal than ever before. More in love than ever before. Snickering. Margret waded up the bed sheet to keep from dripping on the ships carpet and headed for the showers the bed sheets were totally soaked. Jake grabbed off the fitted sheet and did much the same thing as he stepped in the showers. The steam made their moans and play even more passionate. Now they must hurry as the Senate is just convening. Margret called up her personal catalog and replicated a gray stretchy Fighter pilots uniform. Jake helped her with moving the Rank Pins and awards. Little did she know another award was waiting on her arrival, for her and her daughter. Meanwhile back on the Keshara a messanger was sent to the Captains quarters as Jin and Janet dressed. The pad simply said arrive in my personal shuttle. My escort and honor guard will tend to you. For today, you are Queen. The last words made Jin gasp and sent shivers down her spine. What awaited outside her door took her ability to speak. As Jin and Janet opened the door The Queens own Honor guard security chief was waiting on her. He snapped to attention saluted and bowed. Jin held the treaty firmly in her hands as they were escorted out into the hall. Her cloak of office was gold because of the Romulan Star she had earned during the War Janets was silver but unknown to her her rank was no longer honorary and her cloak would soon turn to gold as well Jins Escort snapped to attention and barked the captain is leaving the ship. Heal strikes echoed all throughout the Keshara as all the crew dressed up for this moment. All Saluted and bowed as they passed. Marching all the way down through the belly of the ship the long way nothing but sharpness, silence, and Salutes. The rest of the crew was waiting out on the deck of the shuttle bay. Each side made a wall of honor as all saluted Jin as she passed. The march stopped at the door of the shuttle.He turned a 180 and pulled out a pad from his pocket and pressed opening the message He spoke aloud. Crew of the Keshara, for demonstrating what is best of the Romulan people. By order of the Praetor. A special unit citation has been awarded. Each will find also a citation for conspicuous bravery in your records. A modest increase in pay and 6 months extended shore leave. All the captains rules about shore leave still apply so stay out of trouble. By order of the Praetor and his Queen. For both Galantry and unmeasurable bravery in risking your own life in saving the life of the Queen while serving on Earth. You Jin Tanner are being awarding the great honor of being promoted to Queen of all Romulas till the son sets at the end of this day. He stepped forward and removed the captains shoulder cloak and handed it to Janet. Out of his pocket he pulled out one of the Queens own shoulder cloaks and attached it in place. Stepping back he saluted and bowed saying all hail Queen Jin Tanner. Jin was squeezing her Janets hand, shivering with massive emotion as she returned the salute and bow. Janet knew this was a great honor for her wife but what came next caught her by complete surprise. The Security chief began again. By order of the Queen, Janet Tanner, for services to the Queen and also insuring the Queens safety, The honorary rank of Commander is hereby resended. From this date, a field promotion of full commander has been added to your record. And as a consequence of that rank your assigned duty as a member of this crew is to be the security chief to the captain of this vessel.The door of the shuttle craft opened the security chief saluted and bowed. Gesturing the way inside he said My Queen your shuttle ride awaits. The whole crew exploded in applause and cheers as Jin and Janet stepped inside with him. They powered up and moved to the door. Passing through the shield a squadron of fighters took up escort positions. and they slowly began their decent to the planets surface. Tanners Voyages (Trip Home) Chap Twenty Eight / Segment Five. Meanwhile, back on the Donatra Queen Margret was helping her husband dress and get straightened up. Then Jake scooped her up in his arms and kissed her. She melted in his embrace resting her head on his shoulders. Jake said Now my Queen. I am tasked to bring you to much more than home. he tapped his new com badge Margret said I want one. Jake said later. He called out Law Giver is everything ready? He answered back ready sir. Margret knew she would never tire of her husbands surprises she laid her head on his shoulder nuzzling his neck as they shimmered away. The law giver stood off to the side and barked aloud Council members The Praetor and Queen. It took only seconds but all she could see was a constant shower of roses and purple flowers as they appeared and solidified standing on the center of the council chamber floor. The applause and cheers was deafening as she kissed her praetor deeply. he gently set his Margret on her feet. Tears of joy streaming down her face, she hollered out over the cheers, Its Good to be home. More cheers came as she embraced and kissed Jake in front of everybody. Praetor Jake lifted his hands for quiet and stepped back. He said My Queen you have the floor. Allister whispered something to Jake Margret whirled around hollering What!!. she ran over to her chair and nit some buttons Master control this is the Queen shut down all power controls to the transport system of the Queens house. The controller said a transport has just been initiated. Queen Margret said Override and divert to the council chambers. Do it now!! Jake whispered Margret she held up her arm for silence. She was pissed. Chalny appeared flustered as soon as she saw the Queen she dropped to the floor bowing. Margret barked at her, Just where the hell do you think you are going? She walked down to the council floor Everybody was quiet. Jake wanted to say something, Margret held up her hand again for silence as she stepped over to Chalny. Margret barked at her, Get your ass up off that floor and face me. Do you think just because I am back that you must run away? Speak Chalny didnt know how to act she had never seen the Queen so angry. She said My Queen Im sorry. I did all you asked, I couldnt help it. I fell in love with him. Margret put her hands on her hips and said So?, I knew that would happen. Do you think I would be angry so you run and hide from me? I knew you would. Ever since you parted from Queen Jenar I have felt your pain. That is why I chose you. You are never to run from me again. I smelled your love on him as I climbed out of my fighter when I ran and leaped into his arms. I smell it all over you even now. I see your eyes sparkle looking at him. You are chosen to be second wife in as much to heal you of your loss as to comfort him during his loss. Their is no other I could have trusted with such a task. No other I could open my heart to and love as my sister wife. Stand here and be recognized as second wife to the Praetor and sister wife to me. Margret hugged her hard and Chalnys damn broke she sobbed in her arms with joy as Margret held her. Margret drew back and lifted her chin with her fingers. She said look at me. Look at the council. Gestering at Jake Look at your husband. You will find no shame anywhere. Because none exists. Put away your fears. Let go of your lonesomeness and sorrows. You are part of the family now. Both wanted, needed, and also appreciated. Im going to need you even more in the months ahead as the baby grows. and as this big baby grows. Gestering back at Jake he said Hey! Thats not funny. Margret looked at Chalny both said it at the same time Men The council snickered Jake looked at Allister. Remember this if you ever take a second wife. Your never going to win. Allister said, One is enough Im never going to take another. Audry stood from her council chamber chair and said Good answer, your learning The council all snickered. Jakes com badge beeped and he tapped it the voice said, The Queens shuttle has cleared the lower atmosphere and is taking the tour of the city as you instructed. He said very good notify me when they land. Margret said you and your tech head friends I want one of those. Chalny said Me too. The voice said They are landing my Praetor. Margret walked over with Chalny and each stood by the side of the Praetor.Outside as the shuttle powered down the Honor guard called the guard to formation. Standing on either side guarding Jin and Janet. Slowly they marched to the door. The law giver stood inside and made the announcement. He said, Ladies and Gentlemen and Senators too, Being honored as Queen for the day Queen Jin Tanner and her lovely wife Full Commander Janet Tanner. I shot Jake a look of surprise and joy. The honor guard marched the couple in as royalty, and it was most fitting for all they did. For Margret, the biggest surprise was yet to come. All stood as the honor guard marched back outside and the door closed. All saluted and bowed even Jake Chalny and Margret. All said in unison Hail Queen Jin. Doing all she could not to cry during all this great honor she saluted and bowed in respect. Janet did also. She said My Praetor, Permission to approach. Jake barked out Permission is given to you both Approach. Holding the treaty as the lawgiver carrys the book of law, Jin marched over to face Jake she said, I present to you my Praetor the official treaty from Earth. Jake said with great pride and humbled thanks this praetor and father receives the treaty. All applauded Jin and Janet cheering them both as Jake set down on his desk the treaty he embraced his daughter with much love holding her tightly till the applause died down. Jake laid his hand on the treaty and said. I remember the first day Margret saw you being kicked aside and spit upon. You werent much higher than the dirt you were lying in. I asked myself why would my wife take such a one into our home. The answer was so simple I overlooked it till today. It was to enrich both of our lives and you have done so much more than that. I heard what you said to my wife when she questioned you about Janet that very first time. Something you said stuck with me and it bears repeating here and now. You told your mother that you loved Janet. You also paid Your mother and me the greatest compliment I have ever known. You said this to her, You and Father dont say you love. You show you love. All I am is because of you two and I will never forget that. A few days ago that young lady we found lying in the dirt, who grew into so much of a brave, young and lovely woman showed your love by saving the life of my wife, your Mother and Our Queen and we all forever in your debt. The room exploded in cheers and applause more flowers rained down on the lovely couple as Jake and Margret embraced and hugged both. Jake held up his hand for quiet. The doors behind him opened and Honor bearers started marching out. Jake picked up a Romulin star and said In service to the Queen, with duty, honor and bravery above the call of duty I bestow upon you Jin Tanner your second Romulan star. The first ever double recipient. He put the small gold chain around her neck. and turned to Janet and picked up another metal and said, In service and protection, comfort and care of the Queen all during this dangerous mission to earth. I bestow upon you Janet Tanner the Romulan Star. He pinned it on and said remove your silver shoulder cloak commander. It should be Gold from now on. Margret was given the cloak and attached it on her shoulder. He Jake placed the small golden chain with the small star around her neck and said carry this with pride all your life for it is an honor richly deserved. He picked up two golden eagle pins and pinned one to Chalny and one to Margret. Both smiled wickedly. Then he picked up two more and pinned them first to Jin and then to Janet. Margret picked up the treaty and opened it placing it between Jin and Janet for all to see. Outside a great cheer went up as all of Jaden that had been watching the whole ceremony cheered both Jin and Janet. Margret closed the treaty and handed it back to Jin. she said now its time for our honorary Queen to say a few words. She did pretty good in front of the United Nations of Earth so this should be good. Jin stood silent for a second holding the treaty. Then she started, This document represents the first step in a very long journey but the foundations of our bridge have been laid on both side. Each side building toward the middle and joining together the peace and love we all share. when finished it will span the river of raging hatred, vengeance and mistrust born out of a war that neither of us could ever have predicted and all of us paid such a god awful price to end. It will take time. We will stumble, They will too. but if we hold fast to the Oath and truly grasp its meaning. Then one day we will walk across the finished bridge and be welcomed with open arms on both sides This day marks a point in history where we turn away from all that was and reach for a future The Great Queen Mandie Jaden had always meant for us to live in. Weather or not we see this future is now in the hands of the Great Maker. I take comfort in knowing the fact that our children will. Queen Jaden said it best. We all, Humans and Romulans are all imperfect people living imperfect lives, and it is through sharing the love we all carry, we find a portion of the perfection we all seek so as of today let The Oath be spoken in our schools, homes, and churches let us all remember the words carved on her grave With Love, All things are Possible Everybody was totally stunned and floored by this lowley officer standing and speaking as a Queen. The senate saluted Queen Jin bowed and said in Unison, With Love All Things Are Possable Jake spoke in Margrets mind saying, I think we have just heard from our future Queen. Now Brace yourself this surprise no one knew about. The cheers out side repeated the chant. Jake said, I feel like we have heard from the heart of Queen Jaden herself. Let all be as Queen Jin has said. Commander Tanner step forward. Queen Jin Tanner as the son has not set as yet, I am compelled to bring to you and your wife some news. Janet your petition for implantation has been approved and granted. In two days Perim from Aquadria will arrive with the next supply of trade goods. Janet you and Jin will return and Ellen will perform the implantation of the already mixed and prepared embryo and hopefully Janet you two will become mothers. Margret whirled around screeching WHAT! Jake explained. The last time they went some eggs were harvested but a suitable male was not found. They petitioned me to release the container with the frozen embryos of Mandie and Jaden. Instead of using them they opted to thaw and mix some of the frozen seed of Ryack. It took several tries but three days ago I received word from Ellen that the last egg was successfully fertilized and is ready for implantation. Margret asked Are you sure you want to do this? Janet said holding Jins hand, I was sure ever since the day we got married. Both knelt down and humbly asked permission from their Queen. Margret was breathing hard. Margret said how can I stand here with child myself and deny the love I see before my eyes. Of course you have not only my permission but my blessing as well. Jake walked over and said And mine as well. Both stood and embraced Margret and Jake. Out side the golden hues of son set was coloring the observation platform. the senate was applauding as Jake ordered the doors opened so all could hear the crowd and took everybody outside so the crowd could see. All of Jaden was shaking with cheers stomps and applause as the honorees stood at the saftey fence along side Margret and Jake and Chalny. Everybody waved as the cheers continued. The cathedrals bells started ringing. Other bells started ringing all over Jaden. A new journey has started a journey that will change everything forever.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:40:46 +0000

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