Tea Party backed Joe Carr vs RINO Lamar Alexander, who has an - TopicsExpress


Tea Party backed Joe Carr vs RINO Lamar Alexander, who has an extreme liberal voting record. Liberal Lamar Alexander has voted with Barack Obamas agenda 62% of the time. RINO Lamar Alexander made headlines when he joined Obama in announcing his support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, he voted to fund Obamacare and he voted to raise taxes. The Conservative choice for U.S. Senate is Joe Carr for Tennessee. Vote for Joe Carr on August 7th. The U.S. Senate race in Tennessee is yet another tipping point in history which conservative American leaders like Lloyd Marcus, Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee (CCC) among other patriotic leaders are prepared to answer the question and the clarion call. What is also truly heartening to see is how Sarah Palin has come out strongly in support of Joe Carr in lending her voice and her patriotic heart and assistance to this new beachhead of freedom. But there are also others like national talk show host Laura Ingraham who is not only backing Carr’s candidacy but is front and center on the line with him is helping other conservatives to join over the past weeks in helping his campaign. Chairman Marcus has stated the goal for Thursday, August 7th primary day very clearly. “Brothers and sisters, we are the good guys and God is on our side. Therefore, I focus all of my attention each day on whatever task God places in front of me to weaken and ultimately defeat Obama’s evil agenda. That task at the moment is to help Tea Party conservative Joe Carr to defeat RINO Lamar (whatever Obama wants, Obama gets) Alexander in the August 7th Republican primary in Tennessee.” The Obama agenda is a major target, because he has made America conservatism, gun rights and America’s biblical Christian values his target. He in effect is the anti-Reagan. Where Reagan returned a nation that was gripped in malaise and depression by Jimmy Carter to prosperity and confidence, Obama has strangled prosperity and smothered America’s confidence and security. Hope is definitely on the way and one of the major ways it is being delivered is with a major new documentary film “Melanie’s Journey Through Chattanoogaville” that The Conservative Campaign Committee / 1 Million People to Defeat Barack Obama is sponsoring with noted award winning sportscaster Melanie Tipton. America can be won back not just on the political front by the efforts of Tea Party Nation and Conservative Campaign Committee, and others, but with movies like Tipton’s Melanie Fighting Against Obamas War On Capitalism” documentary promo which shows how Reaganomics can work with no excuses and no blame, and just plain old hard work, determination and conservative pro growth private sector enabled policies. The promo alone went viral with over a quarter of a million views, and growing. This mega reaction reflected a hunger for Reaganism Reaganomics that is transformative and has proven to work! Equally important is as CCC Chairman Marcus affirms, “State Rep. Joe Carr is one of us – committed to Reagan principles such as limited and less government, personal responsibility, individual liberty, and free and fair markets.” This is plain and simple Reaganomics. Article written by Kevin Fobbs. Kevin is a highly proclaimed journalist, who has more than 35 years of media experience and has managed state and national campaigns as well as President George W. Bush White House Initiatives. Read more at: examiner/article/conservative-campaign-committee-makes-carr-s-tenn-senate-race-america-s-fight?CID=examiner_alerts_article
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:15:13 +0000

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