Ten things I know for sure: ( thank you Tania McCartney for - TopicsExpress


Ten things I know for sure: ( thank you Tania McCartney for tagging me) 1: That we are created in the image of God and that means we are all loved by God, despite our history, our deeds or background. 2: I would die for my family, my unique Mum and Dad who encouraged me in all things, my strong brother who has the capacity to love beyond belief, my kids, every unique one of them and all the lessons they teach me and the new person they evolve in me, my husband who is my teenage sweetheart who despite our differences are soul mates forever. I love you all xx 3: That justice, compassion, faith, hope, love, forgiveness, respect and an ability to be able to change your point of view, your ability to accept difference as not being wrong is what will bind humanity. 4: That we need to always be open to learning new things, be open to letting them change us and add to who we are. The moment we stop growing as a person is the day we die. 5: That when we have a problem with someone else, the only way to fix it is to change the problem in ourselves. 6: That good does not exist without evil just as dark cannot be dark unless there is light and we have the choice which one we are. We chose and no one else is responsible, only us. 7: That being creative is an essential and huge part of being human. If we deny it or teach our children that it is not an important part of us we are denying that which makes us human. We become impotent. Find your creativity. 8: That friends are a very special gift and they can come from the most unexpected and unlikely places. We must never disregard anyone that comes into our lives because they can become someone who will change your life forever and you theirs. 9: Forgiveness will set you free. Being forgiven, forgiving others and forgiving yourself. Walk with the knowledge you are forgiven which is the truth, that shall set you free. 10: That once you know the meaning of life, you can get on and live it and it is AMAZING, a wonderful adventure. I know, Im doing it :)
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 07:55:20 +0000

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