Ten times a day Im ask via email, Facebook or IG...How can I - TopicsExpress


Ten times a day Im ask via email, Facebook or IG...How can I become a pro bowhunter? How can I get sponsored? I want to do what you do, can you help me? The answer is no I cant help you. Only you can help you. Everyone wants to get noticed these days it seems so I will ask, What are you going to set yourself apart? For me, because I am not blessed with insane talent, my secret is time. Ive been grinding for years to get where I am at. I started writing hunting articles more than 20 years ago and in terms of my ability I am probably 10x the bowhunter now compared to then. The biggest reason for this is Im never satisfied. I am always trying to get better. Get in better shape, become a better shot and a smarter hunter. This takes time. You cant expect results overnight like everyone does. And, I did too. Thats part of being young. So, Ill ask all you aspiring pro staffers out there, what did you do today to set yourself apart? If someone called today and offered you the hunt of a lifetime in rugged, unforgiving country could you pack up and go? Would you have the confidence in your mental and physical ability to know youd be able to get in bow range and make a once in a lifetime shot with cameras rolling. Thats a lot of pressure. Yes, I realize the chance of this actually happening is remote but this is the type of game Ive tested myself with for years. Which is why I shot the old Hoyt today and just got off the mountain after 3x summits and of course will be in the gym tonight. Are you ready? Tell me... Photo by Ryan Hoeft
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:10:27 +0000

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