Thank you Dr. Josh Axe for writing this. I have been studying and - TopicsExpress


Thank you Dr. Josh Axe for writing this. I have been studying and researching, these past few weeks, over Biblical standards for our health, and have learned SO much about the significance of Gods commands concerning the food (meat) we eat. We began our Bible Diet last week (although, Ive been calling it our Bible-based diet, but I expect it to take a while for us to notice the results and effects, since were slowly weening out the bad (unclean) and replacing it with good (clean). Having a large family with tight finances doesnt make it easy for us to immediately dump and replace all at once. We did, however, put a stop to further purchase of bad (unclean) foods, and we did throw out a great amount of it. I believe, wholeheartedly, that not only is weight-loss possible, but also our overall health will be greatly improved - including the extending of our longevity. From what I have learned through my studies and research, in regards to the other Bible foods (seeds, grains, herbs, fruit, and vegetables), is that its more important to look for clean, natural (organic), and non-engineered food to consume than it is to place greater emphasis on specific diets that prohibit consumption of specific foods, all of which God created for us to eat. Instead of placing our trust in man for healthy guidance, we need to be trusting in our Lord God, and seek His healthy guidance. The messages in Acts 10 were not so much about the food we eat, but instead, were more about our opinions of, and the value we place on, people; as well as how we notoriously hold on to those values and opinions. The Lord used the examples of food, for Peters benefit (and for the benefit of the Jews, as well as others), because Peter (and the Jews) was so self-disciplined in adhering to our Lords standards concerning our food - which inadvertently, Peter (and the Jews), felt (or held) the same kind of standards/values over non-Jewish people (that theyre common and unclean). However, the only thing that shed any food-related light on me, which referred me back to Leviticus and Deuteronomy, were the words of the Lord when He said What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. (Acts 10:15) Granted, this was meant for not calling(valuing) man as common; and in no way does it mean that He made unclean meat clean. If you read the entire passage of Acts 10, Peter didnt eat any of the meat that was laid before him. The Lord already set those standards in the beginning - He already created clean meat for us (which He explained what they were in the beginning). The use of the term common kind of threw me off at first when I was trying to relate it to food, but after I reviewed over the definitions of common, my attention was taken to definitions 5 (a) and (b) - (b) is what helped me understand the use of it while relating to meat (food); that is, how it is produced and prepared (which seemingly regards to how they even slaughtered and prepared clean creatures). In the context of Acts 10, however, common was relating to 5 (a) in regards to people (those whom are non-Jewish - and to the Jews, fell below the Jewish/Biblical standards). Both definitions, 5 (a) and (b), go hand-in-hand when it comes to referring to both people and food. Jump ahead to today, I believe that if we stuck to the Biblical (Gods) standards of what we ate, we wouldnt have near the amount of health problems that we currently suffer and struggle with. We need to stop consuming unclean meat (animals, seafood, and other living creatures), and stick to consuming clean meat - meat that is humanely (Kosher) prepared, and organically and naturally, raised. We need to stop consuming clean-but-tainted herbs, fruit, and vegetables that are contaminated with toxins/poisons via pesticides and (unethical and unnatural) genetic-modifications/engineered and start consuming completely clean herbs, fruit, and vegetables that have been farmed organically, naturally, and FREE of (unethical and unnatural) genetic-modifications/engineering. Now, if we look at Romans 14, many people (esp. today), tend to mistake that passage as its okay to eat anything (be it clean or not). Initially, I perceived it that way myself, but after I sought the Lord Gods guidance of it, I learned and understood differently. What I learned is that we, those of the Christian and Jewish faith, should NOT judge those (of the same faith) that are trying to adhere to the Lords standards over what they abstain or dont abstain from, in regards to what we eat, drink, and celebrate - of which the Lord has already permitted, and/or glorifies Him. We should NOT judge those who refuse to consume meat (i.e. vegetarians), NOR should vegetarians judge those who DO eat clean meat. If a persons intent is to honor and glorify God, by what they eat, drink, celebrate, AND what they abstain from, then we are NOT to judge them, mock them, and cause them to stumble in their practices. We should NOT judge and mock those who abstain OR DONT abstain from consuming gluten (wheat, and grains). We should NOT judge and/or mock those who abstain OR DONT abstain from eating clean meats. We should NOT judge and/or mock those who are vegetarian OR omnivorous. Its not the practices themselves, that condemns them ... its a lack of FAITH that condemns a person. When one stumbles, their faith is at risk of being weakened. If person A causes person B to stumble, then person A is primarily the one who is going to be held accountable. As the Lord says in Romans 14:13-21 - there is NO charity in intentionally offending our brethren - its an evil offense. Were to focus on OUR OWN faith, and how we practice it before God, and not concern ourselves with how our fellow believers practice their faith before God. Were to EDIFY each other, NOT tear each other down. Teaching each other is NOT the same as judging each other - and for the Love of God, dont attempt to judge under the guise of teaching (youre only causing confusion -and- stumbling). The whole chapter of Romans 14 is addressed to those of both strong and weak faith in our Lord God. I REALLY hate using the phrase weak faith, but the truth is, WE ARE ALL guilty of having it, ESPECIALLY today. From what I see, and personally experience, is the strengths of our faith is divided - stronger in some areas and weaker in others. Its clearly evident, by whom we go to and rely on for our needs AND guidance (man instead of God). We go to doctors, scientists, nutritionists, counselors, teachers, legislators, government, judges, bankers, meteorologists, astronomers, friends, family, mankind altogether, and yes, even religious leaders. Mans provision is VASTLY limited, as is human knowledge. If we, all of mankind, would just seek the Lord God, for HIS provision and guidance, we would be SO much better off. He communicates with us through His Word (among other sources), and has provided answers to mostly, if not all, of our questions and concerns. Its actually a very simple thing to do, but unfortunately, its the heart of man that determines whether or not to do it (be it a heart of opposition, denial, disinterest, faithlessness, or not).
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:12:50 +0000

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