Thank you Luba Spas Farmiga for posting the information about U.S. - TopicsExpress


Thank you Luba Spas Farmiga for posting the information about U.S. foods that are banned in other countries. I clicked on the post and found a wonderful website called Real Farmacy that provides great information about what is healthy and what is not. I have come to know that most of what we eat here in America is making us sick and I have such an aversion for chain grocery stores and foods that come from far distances because they have to be treated with all sorts of chemicals to keep them "fresh". Obesity is not just about people being glutenous, it is about certain chemicals causing insatiable hunger, insulin spikes and uneccesary fat storage along with our liver, kidneys and colon being polluted with toxins so much that they cannot process it out of our systems. I am not paranoid but have been witnessing, have personal experience and am an avid researcher. I have wanted to create the very type of communities such as the one in the article below to stop hunger and homelessness in America! Self sustaining communities that are not taking by actually giving back. If we bring our own problems to an end there will be more people to reach out to other countries. Wake up everyone, a new day is dawning and the powers that be will fight the change because of their greed and the fear of losing control over the 99%. Please share...
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 03:25:51 +0000

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