That, overall, was a great hockey weekend for the Kings. We have - TopicsExpress


That, overall, was a great hockey weekend for the Kings. We have been labelled underdogs. We have been criticized. It was even said that Jonquiere threw game three so they could win at home. Well after last night do you still think game three was thrown? Or is everybody ready to believe in this team as we do? Are you ready to say we have a wining combination? A team with heart and the potential to be something great. I wont lie there has been so much turmoil and rumors about the organization financially and otherwise. Some are true but most are not. Doesnt this make for the perfect ending to a Cinderella story though? We showed no one will push us around and that we can do anything. As for what happened at the end of the game in the stands that is something different. How many times have we posted and discussed the questionable events that take place at sorel games with Cornwall fans. I for one found myself smack dab in the middle on more then one occasion. What certain people did last night were inexcusable and unfortunately there will be consequences because of it. Not just to the offenders but to the organization. We are all gonna pay a price whether we are guilty or not. When people get hurt whether it be a player or a fan its gone too far. It is easy to get wrapped up in the moment when emotions run high but you are always responsible for your own actions. Cornwall fans are some of the most passionate I have ever met and this year I have had the opportunity to see all other rinks. We are hands down the most passionate. I would never take that away from anyone or would I change it. There is,however a line that has to be drawn from the sport and going too far. Like in any sport there is a good guy and a bad guy in our minds as fans. Thats what creates the element of competitiveness. But that does not make the bad guys bad people. On the ice we are mortal enemies. Off the ice they are some of the nicest people. I will admit that the Marquis de Jonquière coach and staff are my friends off the ice. They have been very helpful with various things. For example when we forgot our jerseys in game 3 Dean took it upon himself to fit us with a set within a few minutes as well as many other behind the scenes instances he has been helpful at. He didnt have to do that. On the ice he is loved to be hated. Its all part of the show aspect. It is the same as two great fighters going toe to toe and then shaking hands. Appreciate it for he is one of the best at it. I am sure we can all admit that at some point and time we have all gone to far and regretted doing something. We are all only human. Moving forward we have a brand new series with three games to decide it all. Lets take the positive and leave the negative in the past because thats where it belongs. This is our series and our time to shine. Who knows you might just see a trophy come out of Quebec for the first time. We have the same chance as anyone else. Wouldnt that be a beauty. Your team has given you what you asked for now lets keep all the comments positive and show our support to the boys who lay their bodies on the line to get you that cup. Your KING OF KINGS. CHEERS TO THE GREATEST FANS IN THE LNAH PS just because something is written on Facebook doesnt make it the sworn gods honest truth. Just saying.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 18:13:55 +0000

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