The 10 Commandments of MLM FOLLOW BLOG VIA EMAIL Enter your - TopicsExpress


The 10 Commandments of MLM FOLLOW BLOG VIA EMAIL Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. MY RECENT POSTS A Must Read Article: LAW OF SEED ! January 22, 2013 Learn How to Grow and Maintain Your Network January 10, 2013 If Jesus Was A Network Marketer, What Was His Product? January 4, 2013 Say The Truth always January 4, 2013 Never Judge A Book By Its Cover January 3, 2013 Does Network Marketing Work? January 2, 2013 The 10 Commandments of MLM January 1, 2013 Difference between Old school & New school Network Marketing December 25, 2012 ARCHIVES OF MY POSTS ALL POST CATEGORIES ABOUT NETWORK MARKETING PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SUCCESS IN NETWORK MARKETING TOUCHING STORIES Uncategorized To ensure proper functioning in our business. One of it would be the 10 commandments which every Networker should refrain from committing. The first commandment is being faithful to one company. Often, we may encounter a networker who represents many different companies. It might be no wonder that this particular networker does not become successful because MLM is just like marriage. If you have a lot of partners, would you be able to maintain all your relationships? The second commandment is following the footsteps of one’s upline and not coming up with new ideas. Should there be creative suggestions, one should discuss with his/her upline. The reason is simply because one’s upline has already been through a number of obstacles in the industry and would understand better the ways to get to success. The third commandment is spreading negative comments to one’s upline and sharing positive comments with everyone. The explanation for not telling one’s downline negative comments is because he/she might not be able to handle the news and hence lose confidence in the company. (Downline refers to the person that one recommends in or guides along in the company.) The fourth commandment is never criticising an upline, the company or product in front of a downline. As the saying goes, “The you tomorrow will be the me today”. If one does not wish for one’s downline to do the same to them, he/she should abstain from doing too. The fifth commandment is taking one step at a time. The key to success in MLM is actually to repeat doing the right things everyday. One should not expect to achieve success if one is a person who works diligently for a day and rests for two days. Therefore, do not dream of attaining success in one day but through being hardworking for a period of time. The sixth commandment is avoiding money conflicts while the seventh commandment is avoid having relationships within the network. These two commandments are linked together because they will affect the growth of a network when committed. Not only will they harm working relationships, it might disrupt the harmony within the network. The eighth commandment is embracing the people who laugh at, look down upon you with one grace. Today, MLM is an industry with love and so, one should not bear grudge against the people who discouraged him/her. These people probably lost focus of their dreams and one should try to assist them in finding their dreams back. The ninth commandment is solving problems rationally and not emotionally. Many times, one’s emotions can affect his/her thinking and this would result in a bad decision being made. Therefore, one should always cool down to settle a problem. One would also have to put the network’s interests before self if necessary. The last commandment is not complaining and not giving up. The reason for failure is mostly because most neworkers chose to surrender to the obstacles in their paths to success. If one remains passionate and determined daily, it is difficult to defeat his/her will to want to succeed. Remember, you could be just a stone’s throw away to success when you raise the white flag! With the above 10 commandments, one should be able to maintain and grow his/her network better. I hope these 10 commandments had been useful and I wish those who are in or going into this Industry, success.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:20:57 +0000

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