The American Church Body of 2015 barely resembles the Church of - TopicsExpress


The American Church Body of 2015 barely resembles the Church of 1915. To truly be the hands and feet of Christ, this must change and the change must begin NOW. Faith rooted in Christ matters. No longer can we put it off. O Lord, fill us with your Spirit, help us put off ‘self’ and the things of this world. To be used for Your purposes, let revival begin with us. By Dr. Alexandros K. Kyrou One of the last diplomats to leave Smyrna after the Turks set the great Anatolian port city ablaze in September 1922 was the United States’ Consul General, George Horton. Reflecting on the carnage and depravity of the Turkish forces tasked by Mustafa Kemal to destroy Smyrna’s Greeks and every physical semblance of their three-millennial presence in the magnificent city on the western littoral of Asia Minor, Horton wrote that “one of the keenest impressions which I brought away from Smyrna was a feeling of shame that I belonged to the human race.” The shame that Horton expressed stemmed from his shock and disgust, both as a witness to the Turks’ genocidal frenzy and as a diplomat aware that several Western governments, including his own, had contributed to the horrors that took place in Smyrna.... voiceofthepersecuted.wordpress/2015/01/08/christian-genocide-in-the-middle-east-and-public-apathy-in-america/
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:23:11 +0000

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