The American holocaust is cancer. People dont see it that way - TopicsExpress


The American holocaust is cancer. People dont see it that way because it isnt happening all in the same place. all at the same time. We have traded in the gas chambers for chemotherapy and the ovens for radiation treatments. According to statistics approximately 1500 people die every day in the United States from cancer. That does not seam such a great amount but over the course of a year that number is 547,500since 1974 that number is 21,900,000.You may say that our medical establishment is doing the best they can for these people but the fact is our government has known since 1974 study at the Virginia collage of medicine that cannabis kills cancer . This study was commissioned by the DEA to show that cannabis Causes tumors to grow faster but surprise it didnt happen. Instead of growing faster the tumors shrunk , and instead of saying oh my we can save people the DEA told the researcher to destroy the research . Now new research shows that this plant can help more conditions that are life debilitating including multiple sclerosis, ALS , alzheimers , muscular dystrophy, epilepsy and many many others . The only crime involved with cannabis is the fact this wonderful plant that can give life and hope to so many people has been withheld from the people so that a few can make large profits from treatments that are not only toxic to the body but take more lives than they save . All this information is available on the internet for anyone that wants to research it dont take my word for it look it up . If you have a family member that has cancer or has died from cancer you should be so angry . The 1500 people a day death rate was a 2003 statistic and I used it for a base to compute the death rate for a year and took that number from 1974 to 2014 40 years so my 21,900,000 may be off by a little and i am willing to bet it is on the low side . This can not be allowed to continue our Government needs to bring people to Justice for this crime and take steps to make sure it can never happen again
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 19:16:33 +0000

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