The Anti-Self Disorder The anti-set! disorder adds to the - TopicsExpress


The Anti-Self Disorder The anti-set! disorder adds to the alien-set! disorder overt and covert hostility towards the group of ones origin and by implications towards oneself. The anti-set! disorder not only identifies with the dominant oppressor group but also identifies with the projected hostility and negativism towards their group of origin. In the tenns of Frantz Fanon (1968), they represent the true colonized mentality. They have so thoroughly identified with the colonizer or slave-master that they desire to preserve the very social structure and values that accounts for their oppression. Fanon describes the colonized mind as one who seeks to restore the system of white supremacy that existed prior to the actual liberation of that people from their colonizers. The dangerous aspect of this group is that unlike the alienself disorder, they feel quite comfortable with their alien identification. Most often, they exemplify the very epitome of mental health according to the standards of the democratic sanity. They are usually the very model of stability in the context ofthe dominant group. They are held up as models for how the members of the oppressed group really should act. Dominant group members often compliment them by proclaiming, you are not like those others. The danger from this group with the anti-self disorder is that they are unlikely to seek help as is the case with the previous group. The alien-self group will often seek assistance because of the discomfort and stress that they experience from trying to fit into a niche that was not made for them. The antiself group receives such social support and reinforcement because of their rejection of their own people that they experience little ofthe personal discomfort ofthe no mans land dwelling alien-self person. The anti-self person is unlikely to be coerced into treatment by the legitimized authorities since they represent the real models oflegitimate assimilated behavior, from the perspective of the outer group. These persons generating considerable praise and adulation from the members oftlle oppressor group express the characteristic hostility of the dominant group towards their own kind. These are the politicians who will join any faction in order to further their careers. They are elected leaders who are more committed to the system than to their constituency; the policemen who beat black heads with a vengeance. These are the African American scholars who are more concerned about scientific (i.e. oppressors) credibility than about community facility. These are the businessmen who are more concerned about their own economic solvency than they are about the communities from which they came. They promote a program of community destruction so long as their profit margin remains impressive. These are the educators and administrators who ask first if they have the approval of the dominant group and secondarily (if at all) if they have provided a service of enlightenment to their group. Included in this group are the African Americans who reach the apex of their self-rejection by carefully and deliberately selecting a marriage partner from the alien group. To the extent that a mate and ones offspring represent the extension of oneself, their statement of who they are is reflected in the identity of that mate. The fact that such blatant betrayal of oneself is done without remorse and with excessive justification reflects the intensity of self-rejection in the anti-self disorder. There is nothing implicitly selfdestructive in choosing an outer group marriage partner. In fact, we recognize that some of these may be genuine love relationships. However, when such partners have historically demonstrated themselves to be in opposition to your groups survival then such choices are clearly self-destructive and are symptomatic of an anti-set/disorder. This is especially true in instances where the person actively rejects potential partners within their own group in order to select a member of the outer group. The anti-self disorder is more out of contact with reality than the alien selj:disorder. Therefore, in terms of severity, this person is more disturbed than the alien-self group. When they have fleeting glimpses of their isolation and confusion they merely intensify their efforts for acceptability by the dominant group and become even more hostile and rejecting towards the group of their origin. This personal rejection of self for the purpose of becoming like the aggressor results in a fonn of psychological perversion that is at best only damaging or derisive to the African American community and at worst could be the instrument of destruction of our communities. Victims of this disorder are most vulnerable to the manipulation of unscrupulous persons who play upon their need for outer group approval and flattery as a means of utilizing them to control the self-affinnative progress of African American communities. ( I) the alien-self disorder https://facebook/christian.counts/posts/905015796182970 (3) the self-destructive disorder https://facebook/christian.counts/posts/905016259516257 (4) the organic disorder. https://facebook/christian.counts/posts/905016616182888 From: Akbar Papers In African Psychology
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 02:52:30 +0000

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