The Bandwagon. Good evening my fellow music aficionados, tis I - TopicsExpress


The Bandwagon. Good evening my fellow music aficionados, tis I your old friend Joe Public. Have you ever wondered where that old saying about “Climbing on the bandwagon” came from? Well, Joe Public aims to be thought provoking and educational while instilling a great sense of “What were they thinking!” Today, I learned that, the Old Sage and circus owner, P.T. Barnum, was first quoted as saying “Band Wagon.” It, quite literally, was the wagon the band sat in, as a means of conveyance. This saying was further defined by President Teddy Roosevelt, when he said, “When I once became sure of one majority they tumbled over each other to get aboard the band wagon." . The term, ‘To climb aboard the band wagon” is just a way of saying that one would join a cause or back an issue, only after a significant number of people, or a significantly famous person had already joined it. Between these two renowned people, you can get a gist of the intent and meaning of the phrase. I tell you the history of it, so it will have meaning to you, when I share the following. In an official release by a FEDERAL Judge, on the FISA committee, said today that none of the companies that were ordered to give up call records and meta-data to the NSA ever challenged the request. In fact, here is the quote from the USAToday article. "To date, no holder of records who has received an order to produce bulk telephony metadata has challenged the legality of such an order," wrote Eagan, who also serves on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma, to which she was appointed by President George W. Bush. "Indeed, no recipient of any Section 215 order has challenged the legality of such an order, despite the explicit statutory mechanism for doing so." WOAH! I Love it. Let me spell this another way, all the companies that are clamoring and complaining about the abuse of the NSA, and the federal government, and how their brand of spying should be considered an act of treason against the people of UH-murca, and how Ed Snowden should be granted Sainthood, for his willingness to take a stand against the vile and oppressive regime. They are ALL full of it. They all had a legal way of questioning the validity and the need of the information they fessed up, and did not. The only reason they are jumping on the bandwagon NOW, is strictly what?? That’s right, POLITICAL! They are all crying foul and complaining, because the public got ahold of information some traitorous knob, felt they NEEDED to have. Here is a question for you, and because you read these posts, You already know the answers, but I am going to post the questions anyway, “”Just in case”” Has your life IMPROVED one iota, since Little Eddie grabbed and posted those thousands of documents? Has life gotten any easier? Do you feel safer, knowing that the NSA no longer has that covert way of tracking and catching the terrorists? Here is a good question, Do you feel better, KNOWING that any terrorist in the world, can read all the classified documents released by Little Eddie, and Bradley Manning, and made available by Julin Assange? Why is it, that the “JOURNALISTS” (Notice the sarcasm font?) feel justified in printing whatever the heck they want, and justifying it by say “The Public has a right to know!” or better yet, “The public NEEDS to know.” Words like those are GREAT HOLLYWOOD, but in real life, they amount to pain and devastation. How many people have been hurt or killed because of journalism! I have an idea, let’s actually publish the faces and biographies of the PEOPLE who have been murdered because of Journalism, and because of Little Eddie and his “KREW!” The way I see it, is that it is akin to SHOUTING “FIRE” in a crowded auditorium. People get trampled people get hurt, people get killed, and it’s usually the weak and innocent. This trash has to stop. When did the word “ETHICS” and the phrase “Responsible Journalism” stop having meaning? Here is a fact, quoted directly from wikileaks itself, regarding the 2007 election in Keyna… “1,300 people were eventually killed, and 350,000 were displaced. That was a result of our leak.” That is what Todays brand of Ethical Journalism and Professional Ethics gets, 1300 dead, and that’s just in a small election in a small country in Africa! I wonder how many have been killed because of Snowden or Manning, and I know full well, that some have been! To Ed Snowden, Bradley, and that scamp himself, Julian Assange, Congratulations! I am the voice of everyman yearning for REAL ethics and REAL professionalism… I am Joe Public
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 12:51:54 +0000

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