The Bible protects the prenatal infant from conception. This is - TopicsExpress


The Bible protects the prenatal infant from conception. This is the standard. In 1973, The Supreme Court in Roe v Wade admitted it could not determine when the life of a child began based on presented or historic evidence. The Court’s admitted ignorance of the first stage of human development was pitted against the right of the mother to abort the “fetus.” The Court in its uncertainty of the genesis of life handed the decision of life and death to the mother and her doctor. Let us ask, was it sensible or even just for the Supreme Court to make a life and death decision while admitting inconclusive evidence and thus resorting to guesswork? We know it is the job of a judge to measure the facts of the case against the written law in making a decision, but the Supreme Court in Roe v Wade had no certain facts on child development and absolutely no law for a woman’s right to abort her prenatal infants. In fact, the Court admits it was working against the wisdom of state legislatures. The Court made this decision relying on the “substantive” due process clause and some penumbra of natural right of the woman. The Supreme Court’s approach fails utterly in the real meaning of due process as it abandons American law. America’s charter the Declaration of Independence declared that life is “inalienable.” If the Court had difficulty is determining when life began it needed only to consult the “Supreme Judge of the world” for its “rectitude” just as fifty six signers of the Declaration of Independence did during the revolutionary war. Our nation’s Supreme Judge revealed his laws and statutes in Scripture and our nation can not be ashamed of His revelation because His “rectitude” is incorporated into our laws by our charter of 1776. Our Supreme Judge declared in Exodus 20.13 “You shall not murder” and He gives us a case law in Exodus 21.22-24 “If men fight and hurt a pregnant woman so that she gives birth prematurely, and yet no harm follows, he shall be surely fined as much as the woman’s husband demands and the judges allow. But if any harm follows, then you must take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot..” This case law clearly ties “life for life” (with no time reference) to the “pregnant woman” thereby calling the prenatal infant “life” from conception. If the Supreme Court had acted faithfully upon the “rectitude” of our American charter it would have left the darkness of uncertainty and entered the light of true understanding and today there would be no American Holocaust and fifty million Americans still alive.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:55:50 +0000

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