The Biblical Mirror Proverbs 20: 27 --- The spirit of a man is - TopicsExpress


The Biblical Mirror Proverbs 20: 27 --- The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, Searching all the inner depths of his heart. Man is a spirit and possesses a soul that lives in a physical body. (1 Thes 5; 23). Due to the disobedience of Adam, every child born since then was born into corruption with a selfish nature. The spirit of every newborn has the power to rebel against God because of Adams disobedience to God. When a person unconditionally accepts Jesus as his Lord, God and Master, the Spirit of God joins and becomes one with his spirit. This renewed spirit in man is the lamp of the Lord. When we make Jesus the Lord of our Life, the Spirit of God unites with our Spirit and the two are now one - a renewed spirit. The flaw with the human body is that it is wasting/perishing away, but our Spirit is renewed day by day, because renewal takes place through our spirit, through the Biblical mirror/ the Word of God (2Cor 4:16). If we follow our renewed Spirit, rivers of living water will flow out of us (John 7:38). By listening and yielding to our renewed spirit, we can avoid lifes negative experiences and emotions. Gods Word (spiritual mirror) lights the lamp of our spirit to lead us on the path of life. For example the Biblical mirror in Mathew 5: 44 tells us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who spitefully use us and persecute us. When Jesus told us to love our enemies, He was teaching us to live by a higher standard than what the world expects - a standard that can be attained only through the power of Gods Spirit in us. So when a challenge comes and we start to react, we need to do an about-face. We need to catch ourselves and inwardly shout, Halt! We need to exit the situation and look into the spiritual mirror, restore our composure and respond according to the teachings in the spiritual mirror. Yes, it takes effort, but its worth it! Practice it in simple situations, then in more difficult ones. When people look at you, they will realize that you have changed. The change in your actions is evidence that you are looking in the spiritual mirror! Let us learn from Christ how to pray, to forgive, to sow peace and to be near those in need - Pope Francis.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:13:00 +0000

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