The Conquest Once we begin to see the actual historical proof - TopicsExpress


The Conquest Once we begin to see the actual historical proof of the identity of these people, we cannot help but question the teachings of many Bible teachers in regard to the so-called Russian invasion of Israel. While it is no doubt true that Rosh is a reference to the land of Russia, this is not speaking of the Russian people, but to Russian Jews, such as Menachem Begin, who immigrated to Palestine as Zionists and conquered that land. They have come from Gomer (Germany) and from Poland, including Yitzhak Shamir. Sephardic Jews came from Persia (Iran) and from North African countries like Libya. Even the Falashis, who are black Jews from Ethiopia, were accepted by the Israeli authorities as authentic Jews. They came as immigrants to overwhelm the British forces in Palestine and to undermine their authority. They came, not to live under British rule alongside the Arab population, but with the thought of CONQUEST-to establish an independent Jewish state, where non-Jews could not have equal rights. On the other hand, the true descendants of the lost house of Israel had long ago migrated out of Assyria and into Europe as Gimirri, or Khumri, Cymri, Cimbri, etc. These people became known as the Celts. Other groups of Israel were called Sakka. The Behistun Rock equates the Gimirri with the Sakka. (See Chapter Fifteen of my book Secrets of Time.) The Sakka were called Sacae by the Greeks and Saxons by the Romans. These are by no means the only names given to the nations of Israel in the ancient monuments, but they are the main ones. These people became known as the Europeans, called Caucasians, because so many of them crossed the Caucasus Mountains as they left Assyria to migrate into Europe. These are the true Israelites, according to plain history. These people were never known as Jews, and in fact God caused them to lose their name Israel also, for only in this way could they be the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Ezekiel 34). History and archeology have now fully identified where the lost Israelites went. For this reason we are now able to interpret the Scriptures properly, identifying many nations in their prophetic roles in the latter days. The British army under General Allenby had taken Palestine in 1917. The Zionist Jews in their pride (Gog) decided to lift themselves up out of the iron yoke that God had imposed upon them for their rebellion and revolt in the first century. And so they came from many nations. They came from the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh. They came from Meshech (Moscow) and from Tubal (Tubolsk). Ashkenazim Jews, descended from Togarmah, came from Eastern Europe, Poland, and Germany. Sephards came from Persia and Libya, and Falashis from Ethiopia. Zionists came to Palestine at a time when the Israelite nations were living securely (Ez. 38:14), having established themselves in Europe for two millennia. They came in waves of immigrants like a cloud to cover the land (Ez. 38:16). In fact, Ezekiel 38:9 makes it clear that they have an initial success in occupying the land. It reads, 9 And you will go up; you will come like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops, and many peoples with you. Most prophecy teachers have assumed that this was speaking of soldiers in uniform, perhaps being airlifted as paratroopers. It does not say this. Because of the many wrong assumptions, they have been blinded as to what has actually occurred in the past century. The invasion has already taken place ! But, like so many prophecies, the invasion took place in a way that few were expecting. Mens assumptions blinded them to the actual fulfill-ment that was taking place in plain view. And so they missed it. They assumed the Jews are Israel. They are not. The Zionists are the invaders. They assumed that Britain was not mentioned in the Bible. They were wrong. Britain is one of the Israel nations. They were in possession of Palestine at the time of the Zionist invasion. While they were, to some extent, victims of their own political policies, they were also the victims of the terrorist activities of the Zionist war against them. They assumed that Gog was Russia. It is not. It is a people who have a double dose of pride, people who think they are better than others, people who think all others have satanic souls and are therefore not allowed to hinder their aspirations of world dominion. They assumed that the nations themselves that are listed in Ez. 38, 39 would send their national troops to invade Palestine. They did not. But Zionists came from all of these nations and more to fight in the struggle. They assumed that uniformed troops would invade Palestine. This did not happen. They conquered by immigration and by terrorists operating underground. Ez. 38:10-13 speaks of Gog invading a land of unwalled villages and coming against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls, and having no bars or gates. Prior to the Zionist invasion, Palestine had relative peace. The Palestinians lived in relative security. One can hardly apply this passage to the Zionists today who are supposedly awaiting an invasion from Russia. The Zionists are armed to the teeth. Their settlements are fortresses, complete with walls, bars, and gates. If we must look for an invasion from Russia in the future, then we ought to see today a Jewish state in relative tranquility and peace. Virtually no one would use these terms to describe the Jewish state today.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:41:21 +0000

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