The Crime of the “Sacred Name” Movement: Putting respectable - TopicsExpress


The Crime of the “Sacred Name” Movement: Putting respectable “Hebraic Clothes” on Paulist Christianity—wrapping what is profoundly rotten, in a new package, and then peddling it as 100% kosher The real First Century Apocalyptic Movement was that of James, Yaaqov haTzadiq. It differed radically from that of Paul. There was no Jesus/Yeshua personality cult. There was no concept of The Jews killed Yeshua. Almighty HaShem was unique and supreme, and his Torah was respected, loved and taught. Paul was the lying enemy, who exploded in ugly bitterness whenever James emissaries reined in his lawless antics. The victors always write history. After the judicial murder of James by the wicked High Priest Ananus (62CE), and the destruction of Yerushalayim (70CE), the peaceful, Rome-serving Mystical Christ Faith of Paul, turned out to become the only form of Christianity allowed to survive under Rome. The way of James the Just was just too nationalistic and too uncompromising, and hence too inherently revolutionary to be acceptable to Rome. The Dawidic royal family members were hunted down - the Netzers, including many Netzers from the extended family of James, were killed brutally, to quench all their hopes of putting a Netzer (a Dawidide) on the throne of Dawid in Yerushalayim. When the remaining Netzers from the family of Jesus sent a message to Caesar to request respect for Torah and a recognition of the Netzers as legitimate leaders, they were rebuffed, laughed off, sidelined, and the bishops reigned supreme. The Netzers were persecuted and killed, first by Pagan Rome and then by Christian Rome. Approximately 90% of the books allowed into the NT canon were from Paul and the school of Paul. Early in the second century, a devilishly clever piece of propaganda literature - the Book of Acts - was written with the aim of completing the theological-historical assassination of Yaaqov. Poor Peter - hated with a passion by Paul -- is specifically targeted in Acts, and this man is, by the cunning of the pen, made into an advocate and mouthpiece of Paulist theology. In Peters Pentecost speech in Acts 2, Peter speaks eloquent Pauline theology - a theology that only began to be developed and formulated by Paul, more than 25 years later. The AntiSemitic Christ Faith theology spoken by Peter in his Pentecost speech, did not exist at that time. Yet, here before 35 CE, Peter is eloquently proclaiming Pauline theology that did not exist until after the year 50 CE... Time after time, the Pauline, anti-Jewish accusation that is maliciously put into Peters mouth in Acts 2 is: you, the Jews, killed Jesus. No, it was the Romans who killed him, in collaboration with the hated elite of Boethusian elite Herodian-appointed Sadducees who made money out of the Temple as a sort of Temple Mafia. In the Nag Hamadi text, the formal appointment of Yaaqov is striking: And Jesus said to his talmidim: In the place you are to go, go to Yaaqov haTzadiq, (James the Just), for whose sake Heaven and Earth were created. (Nag Hammadi, logion 12). Note that, in Greek, Tzadiq would be JUSTICE. Note, too, that haTzadiq was integral to James name - everybody called him haTzadiq (Greek Justice) - it acted like a virtual surname. In exactly the place in Acts where the appointment of James the Just, Yaaqov haTzadiq, logically belongs (Eisenman, 1998), we read in Acts 1:23 that a Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus LOST the election. Note the several very important codes here: the name Yosef, the term bar-abba = son of father, and the surname Justice. The authors of this anti-Jamesian overwrite (Acts) indeed had a cruel sense of humour. They hated James. The cruel and mocking code in Acts 1:23 says: the LOSER is Justice (haTzadiq), son (bar) of his abba (abbas) Yosef - haTzadiq bar Yosef - James the Just, Yaaqov haTzadiq, bar-Yosef -- son of his father Yosef. Read this code backwards to decode it, after having watched a documentary on the James ossuary -- Joseph barabbas surnamed Justice is a mocking code for Tzadiq bar Yosef. In Acts 15, words to the effect that the Torah had always been nothing but a nasty, unbearable burden for Israel, is again laid in Peters mouth - it is payback time, and the victorious Paulist author of Luke-Acts is rewriting history to turn the former enemies of his master Paul, into sheepish advocates of the Paulist anti-Torah position. The third place where Peter is mocked in Acts, is in the Cornelius affair - designed to show that (1) the Paulist holy spirit anointing and speaking in tongues phenomenon was an authentic part of the movement from the very beginning, and (2) to write a fairy-tale designed to attract Greco-Romans to the new faith. Aligned with Yaaqov, there were Sicari Essenes who, if they came upon an uncircumcised man speaking Divrei Torah - words of Torah, would follow him until he was alone, then seize him with their daggers drawn, and give him two options: Be circumcised NOW, or be killed NOW (Eisenman, James the Brother of Jesus, 1998). For these Sicari Essenes, no uncircumcised man was allowed to speak Divrei Torah. The Romans promulgated a LAW that forbade this - the LAW of CORNELIUS. This reactive Roman legislation known as Lex Cornelius de Sicarius (Eisenman, 1998) called circumcision a crude type of bodily mutilation and strictly forbade it. In Acts 10, Peter meets this bloody nice Roman saint - named CORNELIUS, and we read that And those of the CIRCUMCISION (Sicarius) who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. We see that Peter, who in the more trustworthy extra-canonical Clementine account, refer to Paul as the man who is my enemy who preaches an empty, trifling and lawless message that misleads the Gentiles en masse, is mocked at least 3 times in Acts by becoming an ADVOCATE and SPOKESMAN of Pauline theology and the Pauline-Herodian position of INTEGRATION with gentiles - seeking after smooth things and nilvu goyim - joining to the Gentiles so detested in the Jamesian Qumranic Habakkuk Pesher (Eisenman). Pauls disciples who came after him, also targeted Peter in another way: Two Petrine letters were heavily rewritten, overwritten, interpolated or possibly entirely forged by the School of Paul. Even Calvin had to exclaim, I DO NOT RECOGNISE THE VOICE OF PETER HERE. In 2Pe 3:15 the author, said to be Peter, writes about our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you. In the Clementine Letter of Peter to James, however, we read For some from among the Gentiles (non-Jews) have rejected my authoritative and lawful preaching, attaching themselves to certain lawless and empty preaching of the man who is my enemy. And these corrupting falsifications some have attempted while I am still alive, to transform my words by certain various interpretations, in order to achieve the nullification of the Torah of Mosheh; as though I also myself were of such a mind, but did not freely proclaim it, God forbid! For such forgeries and misrenderings are designed to act in opposition to the Torah of HaShem, which was spoken by Mosheh, and whose authority and lasting validity was borne witness to by our Master in respect of its eternal continuance; for thus he spoke: The heavens and the earth shall pass away, but one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Torah. And this he has said, that all things might come to pass. So: who is right and who is wrong? The answer is: the VICTORS WRITE THE HISTORY that everybody is supposed to swallow, in the interest of POPULATION PACCIFICATION and the continued TAX-FARMING of a conquered subdued, pious, sheepy population. Conquered by PIOUS FABRICATIONS, PIOUS MYSTICISM, PAULINE CHRISTIANITY AS A DRUG-LIKE MYSTERY RELIGION that displaced the sober, wide-awake activism-for-righteousness position of Yaaqov haTzadiq - just read his letter. The letter of 2Peter is either a pseudepigraph, a forgery, a fabrication, or at best a heavily interpolated, overwritten letter of Peter. For example, why did its author misspell his own name Simon Peter as Simeon Peter? In 2 Peter 1:1, it is Simeon Peter, unlike in 1 Peter and everywhere else in the NT, except Acts 15:14. (Authorship of Petrine Epistles, Wikipedia.) Why would Peter spell his own name differently in two different letters that he both supposedly wrote? The five-volume Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (published by Abingdon Press of the United Methodist Church with 8400 articles by 900 scholars, contains JB Meyers article which explains the generally held scholarly position that 2 Peter is falsely attributed to Peter: The [unknown] author has adopted the name of... the apostle Peter, to enhance the authority of his letters - a practice not unknown in the early church. We have evidence of a rich Petrine literature. Fragments of a Gospel of Peter, an Acts of Peter, and an Apocalypse of Peter have survived... Second Peter belongs to this class of [pseudepigraphic] literature. Both internal and external evidence show with cumulative force the impossibility of ascribing the letter to Peter, the disciple and apostle... No theory of secretarial aid can explain the differences in style and thought between 1 Peter and 2 Peter. Hence, the above (theologically conservative) treatise agrees that 2d Peter is a pseudo-graph and not written by Peter. We conclude that the pro-pauline interpolation in 2Pe 3:15 about our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you is a worthless interpolation, a forgery that is to be dismissed. The first centuries CE were times of war between the School of Paul and the defeated post-70CE remnant that were faithful to the Jamesian position. The eventual victory of the School of Paul was based on e.g. (1) connections to powerful figures -- Herods and Pauls close followers in the household of Caesar, such as Epaphroditus the Secretary of Greek Letters of Nero and Domitian, (2) a prolific literary output in the lingua franca of the day - Koine Greek, and (3) the deep natural resonance of the Pauline message with the collective Greco-Roman psyche. Pauls engineered new religion was not the product of a mind trained in logic... at its centre is not the mind but the emotions - the mystical exaltation of the self seized by the Spirit. Which Spirit? This Spirit is, as Paul acknowledges in 2 Corinthians, is the Lord who is the Spirit. Understand this very well: the Pauline holy spirit is identical Pauls spirit-guide, his magid, who speaks to Paul and guides him under the [false] name of kurios Iesous Xristus. The ever-increasing distance between Judaism and what only later was termed Christianity stemmed almost completely from Pauls view of the Resurrected Cosmic Christ who speaks uniquely to Paul, his man and chief apostle. This magid or spirit-guide continually drove Paul on a collision course with men from James and whenever these men from James confronted Paul, he throws ugly temper-tantrums, calling them agents of satan, so-called pillars, weaklings, so-called super-apostles, and more. Indeed, mythic tales of a single, harmonious Christian origin have given way to historical accounts based on objective evidence and critical review. I urge all readers to download and watch Prof Robert Eisenmans YouTube Lectures on Paul and James. The contemporary, uncritical fundamentalist who insists that the present NT is the INERRANT, VERY WORD OF GOD becomes an agent of evil, spreading a Paulist message that would be utterly alien and disgusting to both the historical Jesus and Yaaqov haTzadiq, James the Just. In view of what is known today, thanks to focused academic scholarship, the Sacred Name translator-publisher who thinks that the only problem with the NT is the use of Greek names and terms rooted in Paganism and that the only required correction of the NT is to Hebraise the translation in order cull an ensemble of offensive pagan names and terms, has also become just another agent of evil.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 16:59:15 +0000

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