The Democrats for almost two years did all they wanted without - TopicsExpress


The Democrats for almost two years did all they wanted without needing one single Republican vote. Did they fix healthcare? NO, they made it much worse. Did they secure the border? NO. Did they win or end the wars? NO. Did they fix the economy, the housing crisis, or address the crushing debt & taxes? Of course not, they made it all worse. Did they make us safer, better, or bring Americans together? NO, NO, and NO, they tore the social fabric of America pitting us against one another while blaming everyone but themselves for the problems they themselves caused and/or exacerbated. Did they bring the promised social justice or equality? NO, they made their cronies & the rich richer, the poor poorer, and are wiping out the middle class, the back bone of America. Are the Republicans without blame, No, they too often stood by and did next to nothing but lip service, and too often actually joined them while attacking the good & decent principled people of the American Tea Party Movement...... the largest most smeared and unfairly vilified, most successful mainstream political movement in modern American history.....regular main street Americans, exceptional individuals really, who have risen up in the most amazing way, to challenge the political class that is destroying our country, our ideals, freedom, and liberty, and a positive bright future for our children. You dont have to like it, but thats the fact, Jack.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:18:00 +0000

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