The Difference Pakistan stands out as one country where - TopicsExpress


The Difference Pakistan stands out as one country where electioneering just never ends. Can any country mired in extreme economic and social deprivations survive on hollow rhetoric alone? And, that too from a stream of politicians claiming to be saviors from a mess almost entirely of their creation. The latest edition is proving to be no different in KPK although it was meant to be different. When the opportunity came to lead the nation in a constructive direction by grooming the youth on fundamental virtues such as hard work and honesty, animal instincts have been let loose for raw power grab. While the federal government remains in perpetual amnesia and paralyzed to lead, the new change agent’s track record of performance in KPK is in hot pursuit of corruption standards set by previous rulers. Despite the disinformation bordering on outright lies dished atop the container of a ‘Nay KPK’ where corruption has been ‘curtailed’ there is mounting evidence of massive corruption patronized by change agents from Peshawar to Islamabad. The growing general perception of the over two month agitation is that it has created awareness. Bhutto was also credited for bringing politics out of the drawing rooms and empowering the ordinary. To what ultimate benefit to society is another story? Any sane person would agree that Pakistan desperately needed political stability and focused attention to address critical issues merely to contain, leave alone overcoming, the economic and security challenges confronting society. Instead what we have got, for whatever reasons, is extended political strife that continues to further erode the already limited capacity of the state to deliver. As life goes on as it must no matter what happens with change the only constant for good or for worse, so does the aimless drift of society with new and more dangerous emerging trends. Some U.S. experts with strong links to their establishment are lecturing in Islamabad these days in no uncertain terms that time for Pakistan is fast running out. With ISIS fast spreading its tentacles and reaching out to the frustrated youth particularly in KPK who already feel betrayed by the slogan of ‘change’ coupled with Moody’s mood swings, the specter of a country torn from all directions is assuming ever more threatening proportions. And, how do we respond to the challenges, more paralysis from the incumbent federal government and even more senseless politicking by those who think hollow rhetoric alone can satisfy the demands of a sea of humanity attracted to its call of ‘change.’ The ‘Plan’ to remove Nawaz Sharif from power and politics for good continues with never ending fervor. The retired ‘Guru’ of the establishment continues to head the campaign to mobilize resources at the expense of the not so invisible state. If he remains active post November 7, 2014, the sign would be ominous for the target to discern-that everyone is onboard. Besides other factors already discussed, the Saudi threat of complete choking of life saving assistance also played a critical role in saving Nawaz Sharif’s unceremonious exit from power at the height of the moving dharna. After personally examining evidence of documented corruption in KPK, I have now no doubt that the PTI and most of its top leadership is no different from the previous corrupt governments. Those who think that the efforts to unmask the real face of change are part of a personal vendetta cannot be more wrong. I hold nothing personal against Imran Khan. But for someone who gave the best years of his life for a quantum change in politics to remain silent on deliberate deceit would be nothing short of ‘mother of all betrayals.’ While others have done their hatchet job on Pakistan, we just cannot afford another. On a lighter note, the competition between the present PTI KPK government and the previous governments on the scale of corruption reminds me of a joke between two competing universities of the Midwest in the U.S. namely; Purdue University (Boiler Makers) and Indiana University (Hoosiers). The time tested joke on the Purdue campus goes; what is the difference between a ‘Hoosier’ and a bucket full of shit? Answer: The Bucket.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:04:29 +0000

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