The English language; it is popularly known as the Queens - TopicsExpress


The English language; it is popularly known as the Queens language. We as a people have been disillusioned by the concept of speaking this language. Language has some basic fundamentals in its use; To communicate, To relate, To network. Language is a prerequisite in this world to ensure the smooth process of world business. However, how much premium do we as Ghanaians place on the English language above our local language? A child goes to school, is able to pass Maths, science, social studies but fails English language and due to that, cannot progress in education. Question is; which language did the child use to pass those subjects? If the child used English to pass those subjects but failed English language, then the focus of this foreign language is on technicality NOT on the childs ability. Once this is established, the next question will be; what is the purpose of the English language in our national development? Is it for communication or sophistication? Does ones ability to technically use sophisticated sentences of English make that person competent? Does it determine the character of the individual? There are several case scenarios in this modern world. Nations that have developed and progressed have done so by speaking and communicating in their local language. England, USA, Germany, China, Malaysia etc all these greatly developed nations are a manifestation of their mastery of their local language as a medium of trade and education. English language is rather a big issue with third world nations and by measure, our level of development speaks volumes. OUR ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE IN SOPHISTICATED ENGLISH LANGUAGE DOES NOT GUARANTEE OUR PROGRESS AS A PEOPLE. Why would we make a big issue about a childs ability to speak fluently in English when it does not translate into the positive character of that child, when it does not ensure the childs excellence in the job market? You cannot get accepted even among a group if you do not show prowess in the English language. You cant even woo a lady without proper English. You cant get a job if you cant express yourself fluently in the English language. The Chinese will go to international business meetings and insist on using his mother tongue and the people will have to get an interpreter to translate, yet they are one of the most powerful economies of this world. What can we learn from our asiatic brothers? Surprisingly, when a man from Scotland comes to Ghana, and speaks the queens language like he is drunk, we as a people will tend to appreciate that man and understand that English is not his mother tongue but will take to the cleaners an Asante man who does not have proper command of this lingua fraca. I know you might think because the Scottish is excused because of his native language, not entirely tue. I think he is excused because he is white. We need to stop this overemphasis on a persons command over this foreign language and rather look out for the persons work ethic, character and intellect because ones command or prowess over the queens language does not define who that person is. Let us as a people place more premium on the latter if we are serious to develop this nation and continent. Let us stop focussing on trivialities and concentrate on what moves us as a nation. Our leaders should take a second look at this criteria they set on our educational system and rather focus on unearthing the natural talents imbedded in our children. I am not saying we should not speak the English language, dont get me wrong. What am saying is we should put more premium on how we communicate and achieve results not just to sound sophisticated. Our history is clear, good speeches come and go but it is the character of the person that makes the real change. #hotep. Towrac Otu Ashong Fredrick Lix Nana Egyir Baidoo Michael Thompson
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:15:56 +0000

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