The GMM uk - Michael Aydinian December 11 at 7:01pm · Edited - TopicsExpress


The GMM uk - Michael Aydinian December 11 at 7:01pm · Edited · If there was a Hall of Shame for the most vile, despicable human beings, Dick Cheney would more than deserve to be a first round draft pick! If our species somehow one day manages to turn things around so that doing whats right is merely second nature, it is my fervent desire that the whole truth of mankinds turbulent & sordid history is revealed in its entirety. Cheney, not Bush, was the spearhead that gave the green light for dual national Zionists to perform an act of such inconceivable criminality, it rendered previous endeavors, such as their assassination of JFK & the consequent attack on the USS Liberty as also-rans in terms of treachery. Cheney, more than any American, was responsible for 9/11. One only has to look at the ovation this wretch received at the AIPAC convention. It should make you sick! But then, there was hope. Transport Secretary Norman Mineta did what for most US politicians had become the unthinkable - HE TOLD THE TRUTH! In his sworn testimony to the 9/11 commission Mineta recounted precisely what occurred in the lead up to the attack on the Pentagon. He should know more than anyone because he was right next to Cheney when this was all unfolding. This testimony alone should have been ample. Cheney should have been taken, put up against the wall & shot for Treason. Mineta merely filled in the dots. How on earth could a plane fly nonchalantly into the most protected air-space in the world, 55 minutes after Flight 11 had hit the North Tower, only for it to slam into the Pentagon? Simple. CHENEY SPECIFICALLY GAVE THE ORDER TO STAND DOWN! In other words, since Cheney didnt give the order for one of Americas 7,346 F16s to make itself busy & shoot the damn thing out the sky, he must have wanted the plane to hit its target! What was that? Only some office where some people were working, trying to locate some missing funds....... Yes but surely, they had all the time in the world to evacuate the Pentagon? Yes, they did........ but the trouble was........ they didnt!....... You see, it was the Budget Analyst Office where some 100+ employees had been busily trying to locate the $2.3 TRILLION arch Zionist Dov Zakheim had......... misappropriated all the way to Tel Aviv!......... Unbelievable as it is, theres more! Dick Cheney was instrumental in allowing Israelis deep into the very heart of the Pentagon so that they could access the most restricted, classified data that existed in the entire solar system! What could that possibly be? Only the codes for Americas inter-continental ballistic missiles! .......... Could there be a more treasonous act? Of course the very last thing the Zionist controlled media would ever do is grass Cheney up for the ginormous rodent he is! Instead, to this very day, hes continually afforded an unchallenged media platform as if he was the be-all & end-all! To say its gut-wrenching doesnt scratch the surface. True to form, today, instead of the US media lambasting the Bush administration for sanctioning torture, so making an absolute mockery of Americas claim that its a beacon of democracy & freedom, this vermin Cheney proudly admits GW knew all about it! The fact this showed up Bush as an out-&-out liar is irrelevant. Its not an issue. While John Kiriakou rots in jail for revealing the truth, that by sanctioning torture the US government was contravening the Geneva Convention, the Zionist controlled media openly allow mass-murdering liars, war criminals, who deserve to be strung up, to spout their bile, no matter what! I was going to post Cheneys tripe but then I thought.......... https://youtube/watch?v=bDfdOwt2v3Y
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 08:58:40 +0000

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