The Grant Memorial arch,,, Stained Glass illuminated by thirteen - TopicsExpress


The Grant Memorial arch,,, Stained Glass illuminated by thirteen brush arc lights and twenty-five incandescent lights in 1887... The most imposing arch on Fourth Street is the Grant Memorial arch, at the intersection of Locust Street. The arch is surmounted by a cathedral glass portrait of the General, that is considered the most beautiful bit of street decoration ever seen in this country. It is seventeen feet square and some idea of its magnitude may be obtained from the fact that 18,000 separate pieces of glass were needed in its construction. Every color of the rainbow is wrought in the dazzling design. The General represented on a handsome bay horse, a heavy military cloak thrown loosely over his shoulders, and a pair of field glasses in his right hand. In the background is a row of tents surrounded with pieces of broken artillery. Draped gracefully at each side is the American Flag. The whole piece weighs 4,000 pounds and is illuminated by thirteen brush arc lights and twenty-five incandescent lights. At the bottom of the piece is the illuminated inscription, *** “Let Us Have Peace. ***
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:33:01 +0000

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