The Great Light of God is within you. The Fire of God is the - TopicsExpress


The Great Light of God is within you. The Fire of God is the fullness of the expression of that which you, blessed Sons and Daughters of God, are to become. The Heart ~ the manifestation of all that is and all that ever will be ~ continues on, never diminishing, ever expanding, ready to respond to the Light and Fire sent forth consciously, directly, from a Heart that knows the fullness of every outward expression destined to be created by God. Perhaps you think I speak in riddles, but I do not. For what has begun in the Heart of God always exists within the Heart of God and remains a constant, never really leaving, never really going out. It is only that which you have vainly imagined, that which you have thought into existence outside of yourself that creates the false sense of separation from the Heart of God that requires the desire to return. Throughout the days that are numbered while in the body of the physical octave of Earth, you take one step at a time, trying first here and then there, to discover what it is you are to accomplish. You sense within the core of your being an igniting that motivates you to move, to express, though not always aware of what exactly to call forth. You have determined that this fiery element of your being must be the same for all life, and you take it for granted. As you become experienced in the understanding of your life, you begin to weigh: “What is it that truly lights within my Heart ~ sending me forth on a mission that allows for the determination to continue moving when I would rather sit; speaking when I would rather be silent; listening when I would rather run?” You have heard throughout this cycle of instruction how the Heart, when educated in the ways of the expression of the fullness of your God Presence, is able to expand, to flourish, to produce the sense of Wholeness and well being. However, because there are so many outer conditions that you have entertained, that you have allowed to take precedence over your life, you have not always heard the voice of the Heart. The Heart has always been. The Heart will always be. But when the mind, the emotions, the unrest in the bodies determine to separate out from the glorious resonance of the Heart, it takes a more than ordinary adjustment by the Heart to awaken the outer mind, the outer feeling world to that which is the Purity of the Heart. This is where I, Krishna, enter with the Fires of my Heart, teaching you how to resurrect all latent energy within your being to rise into the vibration of the Heart, to allow for the Heart to rule, to accelerate your vibration into the Great Silence by your meditation upon the glorious Heart of God. How can you have the Heart fastened to this great and glorious Current of the Resurrection, so that it might expand and contract and then expand further, always returning to a higher vibration than heretofore expressed? With each expansion of the Flame, with the impulse of the Resurrection Fires, you have the expansion of the Threefold Flame. The Resurrection Fire not only will expand the other Flames of God within you, but also, likewise, will accelerate every cell of your being to spin with such acceleration as to bring about transmutation. When this occurs, you suddenly begin to express more of the Heart. And with the increased expression of the Heart, there is more acceleration by Resurrection’s Flame. And with more acceleration of Resurrection’s Flame, you have more expansion of the Heart. This, Beloved, is the path to your Ascension. The art of the expansion of the Threefold Flame is well known within our Sun system and as such is practiced by the smallest child even from birth on Earth. Because of the great momentum established through eons of time, the lifestream knows well how to place the attention of his or her mind into the focal point of the energy centers of the Crown, thereby creating a magnetic pull on the Flames of the Heart to accelerate, to expand, to allow for the natural unfolding of the Resurrection Current through the four lower bodies. You are just beginning to express many of these glorious Flames of God within your bodies. As you become accustomed to the pressure of the Light attendant with the Flame, the heat or coolness will oft times come, as there is an acceleration and deceleration creating a spiraling effect required for them to work. Then you, Beloved, will become more comfortable in the Flame. You will be able to sit in the quiet, in the stillness, and allow these Flames to do their Perfect Work, following your invocation. You will learn that before you have hardly uttered the call to your God Presence or to the great and glorious Beings of the Flame to release into your life the assistance you require ~ that at the very moment you understand there is a need, or requirement, or you have a desire ~ the current is already flowing into your life. For you will have developed within you the trust in these glorious Flames, and how they will do their Perfect Work. You will have the Faith established that, because you are of the Christic evolution, because you have a Threefold Flame that is the scepter of the Christ, you may invoke these glorious Flames to your bidding for the acceleration of your lifestream, and for all Life throughout the Earth. This Faith will establish a momentum, and this momentum will keep you on the accelerated path toward your Ascension. Guard well you do not hesitate upon your journey. Sustaining a steadfast acceleration, with determination toward the goal, will allow you, Beloved, the greatest acceleration of the Fires of God, so that the Light moving through your vehicles will buoy you up into the Transfiguration and then the Ascension ~ because you have become adept at Resurrection’s Flame. I have come to expand more of Resurrection’s Flame in the Earth so that, throughout this next cycle, before you come together again under the canopy of Light that is to be released for the Earth at the next Quarterly Conclave, you will have developed a momentum of your own, and, collectively, this Glorious Resurrection Flame will accelerate the Earth. As a result of your attention to the Flame your vehicles will be better prepared to receive the great release that is to come at the Easter Class. I have chosen this time to come to you because there is a great Cosmic Light to be released during the Easter Resurrection. You are to carry the Torch high. For it to blaze, the Heart must be prepared, the Chalice honed and refined by the Refiner’s Fire, the consciousness purified. The Breaths of God, as the Pranas of Life that move in and around you, will respond to your attention upon this Resurrection Flame, and you will be most amazed at the change, not only in your demeanor, but also in the very features of your countenance. The Light of God is miraculous indeed. Embrace it as you prepare for the next cycle to be released. Each day is a new day and a new cycle to accelerate you into the Ascension. It is my Great Joy to be in the Earth at this time. For this star, the Earth, is to shine brightly and become a great sister star to our own. My Beloved, Sophia, and I wish each one a glorious journey ~ and we are always close at hand to assist, for this is the World cycle of the Manu Yuga the appointed time for our assistance to the Earth. As you receive the Blessed Lord of the World, won’t you acknowledge within your Heart the glorious God Presence of every lifestream upon the planet as they, likewise, receive at inner levels the blessings of the Buddha. Aum Aum Aum December 31, 2002 Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. Carolyn L. Shearer, Anointed Representative The Temple of The Presence.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:27:35 +0000

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