The Greatest Mystery is not with God but with in the Minds and - TopicsExpress


The Greatest Mystery is not with God but with in the Minds and Hearts of Man............God has kept nothing from us if we read the bible from the start he tells it all as how it begin and what he placed on it and its purpose right down from the light to the darkness such as day and night ..he explained the seed to seed right down from the fruit of the vine to animals he explained the waters and what went into the waters..he explained all in bold detail there was no mystery the mystery would had been if he did not tell us..but he told us all read in Book of Genesis....and after he saw all was good ..well he then he took a hand full of clay and molded a form and blew life into it`s nostrils that form was called a Man...and from the Man he took a rib and that rib became a woman..nothing was hid from us God explained it all in his living words....what is a mystery is he lets his mind take hold of himself ..and how he lets such things enter into his heart..God gave a man a mind to reason and a Heart to posses Love ..Man to me is the great Mystery..not God because God is not a God of confusion he is a truthful honest and open God....anything you need to know or want to know about God read it in the bible for your self from start to finish and when you do there is no mystery ..even whe his Son Jesus was here there was no mystery nothing was hidden in the secret or in the dark Jesus did it in the open for all to see and witness just like his father.............1 Corinthians 14:33.......King James Bible For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 04:32:49 +0000

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