The Hookers................. The hookers, no, not what youre - TopicsExpress


The Hookers................. The hookers, no, not what youre thinking. These hookers are the ones, whether they are working for Obama, Bloomberg or whatever Democrats keep posting pieces, Why havent we impeached Obama? What are we waiting for? Impeach him now. The lawsuit is a stunt. Excuse me, but not too long ago I posted the requirements according to the constitution for impeachment of the president. I got told to reread it, to go back to school and go------- my self! Every one of these people are WRONG! You are NOT going to impeach Obama any time soon until the Republicans gain control of the Senate and get the 67 votes needed to do so! Its that simple! The only other way is get rid of Harry Reid! But still there is no guarantee that youll get those 67 votes! Hes not going to go peaceably! either it will take the constitutional impeachment or armed insurrection. Revolt and coup to topple him from office. I dont see that happening any time in the future because this country has become a nation of cowards! What was it John Kennedy once said, Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. QED!!! Nothing more needs to be said. Bobby Jindhal is right, but if it is. it needs a very large quick serious growth spurt! The tree of Liberty needs to refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Thomas Jefferson. you know the one who wrote the Declaration of Independence! The hook..the hookers, the shills and the traitors who work at distorting the truth for Obama, Bloomberg, Reid and Reichsfuhrer Holder. Ignore them.......learn the real truth and not from democratic idiots!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:44:14 +0000

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