The Hypocrisy of Sympathy I like Fuse ODG. I support his - TopicsExpress


The Hypocrisy of Sympathy I like Fuse ODG. I support his sentiments. For 30 years, we have allowed ourselves to be seen as a bunch of starving natives wallowing in dust from droughts and other such stuff. Since the reports of the mid-80s famines, I have hardly seen any more powerful stereotype of Africa. Even in my sisters school in the US, I am sure anytime a wild animal passes around, they might call her to talk to the animal because they assume she could be an animal whisperer. How many times havent we been asked when we travel whether we have cars, internet, electricity and the lot? Why do we see that most of the NGOs that come to Africa only focus on poverty alleviation, poverty this, poverty that? Anytime there is something about Africa, you either see the desert, a giraffe, Masai people with their beads and red dresses or a starving child? Hell, yesterday I was checking out some stock photos on charity, and what I saw were African children holding calabashes with pleaDING looks. Talk about Ebola. Ok, the Sierra Leonans dont have money. So dont the Liberians. So Bob Geldorf needs to sing a song about it. And in the best and most condescending manner, the altruistic western audiences are driven to tears to donate for Ebola and poverty. We dont know Christmas. Funny. Just some 500 miles away from the epicenter of Ebola, You will see Range Rovers roaming the streets of Accra. You will see fully loaded jets flying in and out every 20 minutes. You will see bankers, lawyers, seamstresses all making money through fair and foul means. Yes, between the streets of Accra and Lagos, you will see enough transfers outwards into numbered accounts in Switzerland, Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Mauritius, Monaco and other places. Infact, I am sure daily, some banks and accounts will be receiving millions of these monies hoping that some despot gets overthrown so they could recycle the millions before they are traced. In these streets, especially in Lagos, you will see men of God flying so many Bombardiers and Gulfstreams that they are opening offices in these locations, with full hangars and flying in engineers. In these streets, you will see custom made Mercedes AMGs and Brabusses strutting around with pride. Instead of singing for aid, why not sing about the shysters aiding and abetting the thieving leaders that send money to feed your financial markets. Instead of asking for 2 dollars to pay for the guilt of some white guy in the streets of London, why not sing about the HSBCs and Swiss Banks of the world that welcome the LearJet flying Politicians, Pastors and associated thieves? Instead of singing for aid, why not sing about why we should get leaders who will not hold nations to ransom with their egos, puppets who do the masters bidding so they can line their pockets with stolen wealth, at the expense of huge populations deliberately isolated from knowledge that will empower them? I stand for what is right about Africa. Our culture, our resilience, our resourcefulness, our strength in adversity, our ability to climb over both natural and artificial obstacles, and finally our ability all these years to have overcome such condescending views and still held our heads up high. The problem with Africa is not poverty. We are very happy in Africa. We know Christmas, for what it means and its very essence. We believe in people and humanity, we believe in the conservation of nature and its beauty, we are a land of people in touch with mother Earth. We are her voice. We are not for material burdens and vain gripes about which designer dresses not to wear. Africas problem has been the leaders that the west has supported. The criminals willing to sell their people out for trinkets so they loot the land and the heritage of the people for some pot bellied greedy swine with an agenda. It isnt even that they are smart. They are driven by greed to impoverish a nation. Bob Geldof, please sing about that. Thank you! You can share as you please!!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 22:44:27 +0000

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