The Importance In Following Christ/Yeshua!!! Shalom Brothers - TopicsExpress


The Importance In Following Christ/Yeshua!!! Shalom Brothers and Sisters, in these days we can see and feel that the end is getting nearer… Things are not getting better in the world, in actual fact they are getting worse and worse by the minute everyday!!! Why is this? Many are asking… These asking this question are the ones I’m afraid that have not yet came to understand all that is written in the Word of God/Yahweh. They have not yet come to accept Christ/Yeshua into their lives, or seen: The Importance In Following Christ/Yeshua!!! That is what we are going to look at today in our message shared with us: Following Christ/Yeshua!!! The passage from the Word of God/Yahweh for today is in the book of Luke 9:23-26 where it says; “Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.”” Here Jesus/Yeshua has just revealed that He will be crucified on a rugged cross. Now that He has given that revelation, He asks those standing there, will you be the true followers of Christ/Yeshua? He then lists the prerequisites of those who would follow Him: (1) Followers Follow!!! In verse 23 He in saying; “anyone who will come after me, sure you have followed me while miracles were taking place, sure you have followed me when the multitudes came to hear my teaching, but now that I am heading to a cross, will you still follow me?” Followers follow, no matter how many others join in the pursuit. A true follower of Jesus/Yeshua isn’t waiting on the crowd so as they can follow the crowd, they have already made up their minds to follow Him!!! Follower’s follow, no matter what the cost they are sold out to Christ/Yeshua, as Paul said; “bond-slaves of the Master.” No price is too high no distance is too far, they will follow!!! Followers follow, because of faith is not feelings. Emotions will let you down, but the Word of God/Yahweh will be the strength for every battle and test in life!!! (2) Followers Deny Themselves!!! In verse 23 again is talking about living, putting aside their own desires. Jesus/Yeshua gives the first requirement of following Him, a life of denial. Denying the flesh and walking in the Spirit/Ruach!!! Denying the flesh is part of following Christ/Yeshua. It means even giving our dreams to Him. Following Jesus/Yeshua requires losing ourselves and gaining Christ/Yeshua!!! Denying worldly appetites, the Word tells us to crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts!!! Christ/Yeshua desires for the Gospel to reach the lost, and this must become our desire. His goal must become our goal!!! (3) Followers Take Up A Cross!!! In verse 23 once again it says the word, ‘daily.’ This means following Jesus/Yeshua will get you to heaven, but by way of the cross. Anyone who follows Christ/Yeshua will know the rejection, pain and suffering that goes along with carrying the cross!!! Crosses are heavy, carrying a cross means death. If you want to reign with Him, you must die with Him!!! You lose your life to gain it. In verse 24 it tells; “that anyone unwilling to lose their life for Christ will not gain heaven, but anyone who loses their life finds life!!!” Crosses mean suffering, shame, and rejection. In verse 26 Jesus/Yeshua is more or less saying; “if you are too proud to carry the cross, if you deny me before the world, I will deny you before the Father!” Without a cross there is no crown!!! (4) Nothing Else Matters!!! In verse 25 Jesus gives the alternative to following Him, following your dreams and plans outside of Christ/Yeshua. In light of eternity this life is like a vapor that appears just a moment, and then is gone!!! If you gain the world but lose Christ/Yeshua, you have nothing!!! Everything in this life is vanity, a chasing after the wind!!! Your soul is more valuable than all the riches of this world, realize your value in Christ/Yeshua!!! Castaway, discarded, if you don’t follow Christ/Yeshua, if you live your life for yourself, you will miss Eternal Life in Christ/Yeshua!!! (Example): I heard a story about one Missionaries wife who shared the story about arriving in Pakistan on a day of great violence against the church of God/Yahweh. As she was with the group meeting underground, she asked a Pakistani Christian woman; “how they could function in these circumstances.” The lady smiled and said; “we have all died with Christ/Yeshua, and now we live for Christ/Yeshua, fear can’t touch us, the devil cannot intimidate us, and the grave can’t hold us!!!” (Another Example): It was reported once at the General Council, the Eurasia experience was sponsored by our missionaries serving in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Nepal, India, and many other countries. In that tent you actually felt what it must be like to serve in these nations. Hearing the testimonies from people who have literally denied themselves, and taken up a cross and followed Christ/Yeshua, is inspiring and also very convicting. When coming back to an air conditioned office behind a cherry wood desk, to prepare sermons for those who sit in the congregation and listen. It gives you to feel compelled to preach that there is so much more to following Christ/Yeshua. That there is much more to just attending a Sunday service and singing from the hymnbooks or attending the congregation functions. There is a world that is in need of Christ/Yeshua, and it is our calling, our mission, and our destiny to be the generation that reaches the world with the Gospel. This is an all or nothing proposition, this is winner take all in a high stakes battle for souls against Satan and this world!!! Jesus/Yeshua, gives us the command that gives us the contract for those who will fully follow after Him!!! I guess that these are a description of true followers of Christ/Yeshua one which many of should hear about with our hearts and follow as we to Follow Christ/Yeshua!!! For us to live… Be Christ/Yeshua, to die… Is only gain!!! That my Brothers and Sisters is: The Importance In Following Christ/Yeshua!!! Be Blessed in the name and shed blood of Christ Jesus/Yeshua and continue following Him…Hallelujah, Amen!!! Brothers and Sisters, for anyone interested giving a donation to: The Internet Church of God/Yahweh and The Hands Of God/Yahweh Congregation Ministries!!! Please visit this site for details: thehandsofgodyahwehcongregation.weebly/ PastorJeff Walker
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:33:53 +0000

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