The Japanese people need not fear the judgment of the Western - TopicsExpress


The Japanese people need not fear the judgment of the Western peoples, regarding to cases of Nanjing massacre and comfort women. The vast majority of human beings have good sense and intelligence to understand that no country is Saint. There is no country on this planet that has no blood in its history! My country, Brazil, was involved in a war between 1864 and 1870 became known as the War of Paraguay. In this war, the Brazilian Imperial Army slaughtered 3/4 of the population of Paraguay! The commander of this genocide, Duque de Caxias is one of the most honored figures in the history of Brazil. There is no single city in Brazil, which has one avenue or plaza with his name! The effects of this massacre are visible even today in Paraguay. About 70% of the countrys population are women! Direct result of a genocide that neither gained that name. I believe that, in percentage terms, this is one of the largest genocides in history. But, today, Brazil is seen as a peace-loving country. Slavery, massacre of indigenous and civil war fill up the history of Brazil. The same applies to all other countries of the world. It is on the hypocrisy of countries like China and Korea, that Japan must base its defense arguments.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:03:02 +0000

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