The Jewish Messiah Page 2. Notice also the enmity that would exist - TopicsExpress


The Jewish Messiah Page 2. Notice also the enmity that would exist between the Woman and Satan. This enmity would be settled by the final destruction of the Satan by the coming Messiah. How was the Messiah meant to come in order to fulfill these prophecies? The messiah did not come up and until after the great flood that destroyed all life on earth except for Noah and his family. God chose Abraham through whose linage the Messiah would come. This was made absolutely clear by God’s promise to Abraham: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3 Judah the great grandson of Abraham was selected by divine providence of God to bring his messiah into the world. Judah one of the twelve sons of Jacob was a part of the twelve tribes that consists the nation of Israel: 8 ¶ Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee. 9 Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? 10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Gen 49:8, 10 God chose also the family of King David of the tribe of Judah through whom the messiah was to come.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 09:47:30 +0000

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