The New South Africas Genocide Farm Attacks A Survivors - TopicsExpress


The New South Africas Genocide Farm Attacks A Survivors Story By Johnny Hurst Leon Koekemoer and his wife were fortunate to survive an attempt against their lives in an attack on their farm in 2010. They had no idea however that the attempt against their lives was the least of their problems. Because of the languaage that was used by the perpetrators during the attempt to kill them their situation became even more precarious. Leon was called as a witness in the Hate Speech trial of the then ANCYL leader Julius Malema. But before Mr Koekemoer coud take the stand he was arressted by police for reasons still unknown and held in an isolation cell for four days without charge and without being allowed to alert anyone to his whereabouts, not even his lawyer. Its not clear what was said to Mr Koekemor but one thing is certain, Mr Koekemoer was no longer willing to testify at Julius Malemas hate speech trial. “This is a police-state, People like us who ask for protection are ‘protected’ by the same people who chant hatespeech slogans against us outside the courtrooms.’ This is Leon Koekemoers Story Of Survival Interviewer: “24 April 2011, interview with Leon Koekemoer, Pretoria. Leon, you are about to recall the events that occurred during an attack on your family on the farm …. What is the name of the farm and when did this happen?” Koekemoer: ” Look this happened a week after Terre’Blances murder. The farm is in Bynespoort.The name of the farm is Nooitgedacht.” “I recall that it was a Saturday morning round 05:00 am. My wife woke me and told me that she’d heard something in the house” Interviewer: ” Sorry for interrupting, but can we just establish the exact date…..this happened on the 5th of April 2010? You mentioned a week after Terre’ Blances murder, so that means it must’ve been around the 10th of April, then?” Koekemoer: ” It was on the 10th” Interviewer: “Ok, continue..” Koekemoer: “….05:00 that morning, my wife woke me and told me that she’d heard ‘something strange in the house’ (a strange noise). She then got up and went to the bedroom door. “At the very same time, two black men tried to force themselves into the room. One of the attackers managed to slip past her into the room. She did keep her wits about her and kept on pushing the door shut to prevent the others from also entering. The attacker inside the room then turned on her and started to beat her.” “I then jumped up to help her, but in my haste to get to her, I accidentally knocked the bedside table over, which plunged the room into darkness.” “This of course meant that I’d lost track of my weapon, luckily I remembered the axe I’d left in the corner of the room, and promptly made for it in the darkness.” “I grabbed it and made for the door to aid my wife who was by now, in a fully fledged battle for survival” Interviewer: ” Just for the record, you were both in the same room, with the attacker, at that point – right?” Koekemoer: “Yes all of this happened in the main bedroom” Interviewer: “Ok, and then?” Koekemoer: ” We had a lodger living with us at the time, and he was asleep in the bedroom next to ours, and as I ran to assist my wife, I heard shouting coming from that room. “The words were very clear and unmistakable. The attacker shouted: ” Viva Malema…die, Mlungu!” – (Viva Malema, die white man!), followed by several shots fired. “In the confusion that followed, I tried to pull the attacker away from my wife… it was difficult to identify the attacker from my wife - in early morning light” “I then hacked at him, with the axe – he then turned to defend himself, by grabbing the axe and attempted to pull it away “ “We then struggled for control of the axe. During the struggle, I noticed that the attacker was considerably larger and taller than me” “My wife kept the door shut through-out the fight.” “At one point during the struggle we fell across the bed – fortunately, I landed on top of him.” “My wife then managed to find the light switch in the meantime, and suddenly I could see this black man – his eyes were wild….” Interviewer: “Do you think he was intoxicated or high at the time?” Koekemoer: “It did come across as though he was high” Interviewer: ” uhhum…” Koekemoer: ” Neither of us wanted to let go of the axe, because the one who’d win control”…..*Interrupted* Interviewer: “……because it was a fight for survival?” Koekemoer: ” Yes it was a fight for survival – I then changed tactics and jabbed him in the eyes - he panicked, let go of the axe and tried to escape. He then attacked Annelie again – presumably to get her out of his way and away from the door and his escape route. She, however – tried desperately to keep the door shut to prevent him not only from escaping, but from getting to the children.” “I then chopped him with the axe in the back – he then wrenched the door open and darted down the passage, with me in close pursuit.” “My lodger then cried out a warning, he shouted: “Be careful! – They’re armed!” “As I passed his room I noticed that the door to the room, was shut. “In the passage I jumped over a prostrate figure in my pursuit of the fleeing attacker.” ” Unfortunately he found an open window, launched himself through it – and escaped” “I then turned back and discovered that the other attacker (on the floor in the passage), was also a young black male in the throes of death – in his hand, he was still clutching a firearm” “In the bedroom I discovered another fire-arm, a CZ100 – full magazine, on the floor. According to the police one round was fired in the bedroom.” Interviewer: ” Who did this weapon belong to?” Koekemoer:” That firearm belonged to the attacker – they seem to be very well armed” Interviewer: “uhhum…” Koekemoer: ” I think we caught them off guard – when my wife discovered them at the door.” ” One thing is clear, I think my wife put up a brave fight. If it hadn’t been for her vigilance – they could very well have overpowered us in bed – in which case, we would’ve been utterly helpless and completely at their mercy.” “The lodger afterward told me, that when they overpowered him in bed, he quickly grabbed his weapon (that he kept under his pillow) and fired several shots at them. We noticed the bullet holes in the door after the fact – we also assume that it was one of his bullets that killed the attacker that died in the passage.” “We immediately informed the police about the incident – this was at around 05:00AM in the morning, and at 07:00AM two black policemen arrived on the scene – yawning and looking decidedly disinterested in providing the service they get paid for.” “Through out the morning, more police arrived on the scene – they were from the Cullinan SAPS. They then set up a barrier, some of my friends also arrived at that point.” “The police were, at that point, informed of a media contingent gathering at the farm gate. The Police refused them access to the farm – presumably in the light of what the attackers shouted during the attack: “Viva Malema – die Mlungu!”. “I thought that the exercise of refusing the media access to the farm was ludicrous, because the house was the crime scene in my opinion – not the entire farm.” “The SABC was also present. They did conduct an interview, but they informed me later that they won’t broadcast it, to prevent….um…. how shall I put this…”further conflict”. ” This is utter nonsense in my opinion, because this a blatant attempt to hide the motive for farm attacks (in my opinion) it isn’t greed (robbery), but it has a genocidal undertone – they want to exterminate all white farmers.” Interviewer: ” So, according to you there is a direct link between, the wording of the hate speech song: ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the farmer’ and farm attacks?” Koekemoer: ” It is a very clear connection, because this song was sung just before the killing of Mr. Eugene Terre’ Blanche. I think that this ‘was the reason why he was killed’. I think this song is used to incite blacks to attack farmers and – not to rob them, because in the Terre’ Blanche case the reason given at the time, was that it had been a wage dispute – ‘but to kill them’. “In our case, the above cannot be said, because we did not make use of black labour – we did everything ourselves, the attack could not have been due to a “wage-dispute”. Interviewer:” So you can prove that this could not have been due to outstanding wages, outstanding overtime, outstanding bonuses and the like… or anything related to the above?” Koekemoer:” No, nothing of that nature – but I do feel that the motive for the attack was most definitely, to kill us because of the words, “viva Malema – die, Mlungu!” uttered during the attack. As far as I know there is different interpretations of the word: ‘mlungu’ – sometimes it means ‘white man’ and it is also used to show contempt and then takes on the meaning of ‘white scum’. “Another reason I think that the motive for this attack could not have been robbery, is that they ignored all the valuables in the living room and seemed to be more interested in getting to the occupants, of the house. They could’ve cleaned us out without going through the trouble of confronting us.” Interviewer: “Leon just as a matter of interest, did these attackers have any containers with them – like bags to haul away their loot in, or where they armed only? Alternatively, did it look as though they came ready to rob? Koekemoer:” No I don’t think so – the motive was clearly to attack and to kill. They were both wearing gloves, so they did come prepared, but not to rob. The one attacker lost his glove in the bedroom where we fought for control of the axe. They had ties with them – presumably to restrain us, and to torture us. Interviewer: “mmm…okay – tell me, Leon, you are aware that this interview will be translated into English, to make it more accessable for the international community to read about what we, as Afrikaners have to endure at the hands of the ANC regime and how we are treated as second-hand citizens, in our own country. What message do you have for the international community reading this story? Koekemoer: All I want, is for the international community to take note of plight of this very small nation – betrayed by the world. Please, do not turn a blind eye – we are being exterminated by the very same people who you supported during Apartheid. This is how they want to effect reconciliation. I think that now is a very opportune time, for the international community to support our cause, because they (the ANC) are busy with an extermination policy. Interviewer: ” Do you think that this qualifies as genocide?” Koekemoer: “This is most definitely, genocide” Interviewer: ” Thank you so much sharing your story” Koekemoer: ” It was my pleasure”
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:39:31 +0000

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