The Pakistan Society of ‘Birkbeck, University of London’ will - TopicsExpress


The Pakistan Society of ‘Birkbeck, University of London’ will consist of many aims. The primary aim of the society however, is to provide to those students of the institution who take an active interest in various social, political, cultural and other aspects of Pakistan a community in which they are able come together. Socially the society will aim to bring together those that take a general interest in Pakistan and provide an outlet where these students can find enjoyment and feel empowered being a member of a society that is centred around their interest. This I believe will help the students to enhance their university life significantly and look back at their time within the institution with a sense of involvement as well as positivity. Pakistan is undoubtedly one of the most politically significant countries in this modern era and this is the root of its political aim to inform the members of the society of political affairs that occur literally every hour of the day. Not only will this aim seek to educate the members of the society, but it will also inevitably become a catalyst for educational deliberative discussion on the main political issues of Pakistan and encourage discussion for a peaceful solution for Pakistan. This aim I feel will also enhance the intellect of the members of the society by improving their communication skills and simply stretching their general political understanding of the world. It will also through this aim supplement the success of those embarking on a humanities degree at the university. The cultural aim of the society is for the purposes of informally seeking to help the members simply enjoy the society, this will consist of embracing those things that Pakistan is universally known for, such as their unique clothing, colourful traditional décor and mouth-watering traditional sweets, this aim will be fulfilled through the events that the society elects to host once stable. At first glance, in relation to the activities, the ‘Birkbeck, University of London’ Pakistan society will aim to follow contemporary examples and seek guidance from other Pakistan societies in England and fundamentally other University of London Pakistan societies, notably from LSE, UCL and SOAS. So far, the activities will derive from the aims of the society. To fulfil it’s political aim the society will work to host talks in which distinguished Pakistani related guests will be present. Similar to events hosted by other London university Pakistan societies, e.g. the Declan Walsh talk recently hosted at SOAS and the Pakistan and Socio-economic situation event hosted by Imperial College London in February 2013. From the cultural aim, activities that will derive are likely to be charitable events, quizzes based on Pakistan, fashion shows showcasing traditional clothing. Socially the society will organise meetings and gatherings such as restaurant outings, activities unrelated to Pakistan in which the members of the society can enjoy each other’s company, ideas include laser tag, paint balling, bowling and board games.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 02:16:43 +0000

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