The Parable of a Fig Tree: Now learn a parable of the fig tree; - TopicsExpress


The Parable of a Fig Tree: Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that SUMMER IS NIGH: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. (Matt. 24: 32-33) Establishing the Scriptural identity of the fig tree correlates to a man seeking fruit on the same for three years; he found none (Luke 13:6- 8). Equaling that endeavor, Jesus preached the Gospel for three years to Israel, and, as a nation, no fruit materialized. So, from a New Testament perspective, Israel is the fig tree of Scripture, just as the Old Testament also affirms (Hos. 9:10; Joel 1:7). Israel’s future Gospel fruit (the Gospel is going back to Israel in full power—the budding of the Fig Tree), or her coming tiny green fruits hidden behind her fig leaves, are still green at the Summer Harvest. Vice versa, the fruit of the Church’s initial redemption will be ripe for the picking in that summer. Then, many in Israel will no longer be blind to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 11:25); that is, when salvation is at the doors for the Church. Certainly, then, the Parable of a Fig Tree has everything to do with the earlier Summer Harvest and its Jewish Wedding (at the doors). Now, to deny a SUMMER HARVEST (partial), is to deny and misunderstand the principles of harvest, not to mention the Parable of the Ten Virgins. In all three Gospel accounts of the Parable of a Fig Tree, Jesus said, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled. Contrary to the idea of Preterism (that Christ came in 70AD), the contextual generation of which Jesus spoke is the generation that began when Israel became a nation in 1948. More than likely, Jesus meant that the strength of this generation would not all die (pass), before all things are fulfilled. Rightly so, assorted fruits and grains always comprise the first yields ripening sooner. With that in mind, it is evident that Christians who don’t watch by using godly values postpone the reaping of their own salvation. Here are some references to that effect: Matt. 19:30; 24:45-51; 25:1-13; 21:36; Mark 13:34-35; 1 Thess. 5:6; Rev. 2:5; 2:16; 2:22; 3:3; 3:10; 3:20; 7:9-17. Now Christ commanded us to learn a parable of the Fig Tree. To this regard, those who diminish any Scripture because it is parabolic aren’t really seeking the truth. And this just happens to be the case with multitudes of biblical expositors who just rely on their own instincts instead of the Spirit’s instruction and gentle command to LEARN this parable. Fully in line with the Parable of the Fig Tree, is the mention of the early and latter rains in the New Testament (James 5:7). The early rain, as we can verify in any Bible Concordance, was Israel’s seed-time rain (November-December). The latter rain, which can also be verified in this manner, was Israel’s March-April rain in preparation for the spring- summer harvest (partial). Of course, as widely recognized in the Church, these two rains are symbolic of the Holy Spirit preparing His people in the last days, which is the context of James’s passage. The point being, these rains absolutely symbolize and call attention to the coming partial Summer Harvest for the Church. Note: James speaks of the judge standing at the door in reference to Christians who live after the flesh, two verses later in verse 9. By the way, although they actually don’t exist, there won’t be any knocking or doors to open at the Second Coming, for that happens much earlier in the night, not at the dawn of That Day. Naturally, it is Christ’s will that all men come unto the knowledge of the truth, nothing held back (1 Tim. 2:4). In other words, it is the Lord’s will that all men have knowledgeable truth, even when it comes to parables. However, the Lord will only give insight to those who seek and utilize what He has already given them: To him that has shall all the more be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that has not shall be taken away even that which he has (Matt. 25:29). In respect of this certainty, the Parables of the Fig Tree and Ten Virgins are no small matter. Unlike left behind foolish of the Church, who eventually come out of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 7:9 thru 17 ), the Jews will await the Second Coming. And this why they will lament: "The harvest is past, the SUMMER IS ENDED, and we are not saved" (Jer. 8:20)! Indeed, the green un-ripened fruit of Israel is left behind (Luke 14:24). The Jews, according to the prophetic Word, will brave "all these things."amazon/Midnights-Cry-Robert-C-Harris/dp/1434343839/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297188015&sr=1-3
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:10:49 +0000

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