The Progressive Canadian Party should seriously consider - TopicsExpress


The Progressive Canadian Party should seriously consider championing the issue of immigration reductionism in Canada. The Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Greens, and Bloc Quebecois ALL support an annual level of 250,000 immigrants. This annual level was put in place back in 1990 by Brian Mulroney. Poll after poll shows that the vast majority of Canadians (including those who are foreign born immigrants themselves) want to see the annual level of immigration drastically lowered. Canada currently has the highest per capita intake of annual immigration than any other country in the world. Even during the 2008 global economic recession, when unemployment rose significantly, the Government of Canada refused to lower the annual intake. Many studies have confirmed that Canada needs a maximum of 50,000 immigrants annually to maintain the worker to retiree ration. Arguments that Canada needs mass immigration in order to support an aging population and huge vacancies in jobs have been exposed as both false and even outright lies. The Conservatives tend to support mass immigration as it floods the labour pool and lowers wages across the border, which benefits their buddies on Bay Street. The Liberals and NDP tend to support mass immigration as foreign born immigrants have always been a natural voting block for both of these political parties. One would think that the Greens, who profess to oppose further deforestation and urban sprawl would oppose mass immigration, but they do not. It would appear to be that this is a very popular and vote winning issue just waiting to be championed.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:57:43 +0000

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