The Prophet Muhammad Mustafa the NICE ETHICS. Forgive them and - TopicsExpress


The Prophet Muhammad Mustafa the NICE ETHICS. Forgive them and forget them. Allah loves those who do good. (Sura-i-Maida, Verse 13) Let them forgive and give up. Allah Almighty does not like AmAsInI yarlıg Are you? (Sura-i-Nur, Verse 22) Meet the evil deeds you see it, there is enmity between you and someone you dear friends i would like. (Sura-i Fussilat, Verse 34) And gayz people donated to defeat the God who bestows (nice behavior in Allah) likes. (Sura Ala-i Imran, verse 134) Avoid most of suspicion, because of some suspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another, in search of bird and your other by propaganda Do not gossip. (Sura-i Hucurat, Verse 12) First, good manners and morals, Honorable Messenger is searched. This Nuer, permeates it to other people. He was edebl with the Quran and the people brought him edeblen. For this, I PBUH (peace be PBUH): I-i Morality venue (nice morality) was sent to complete. He said. Decency and morality in self-beautification father had contacted it again, I do not need to. Habib-i Ekrem morality of Allah swt after upgrading to the degree of ripeness, praising him: Surely youre the great morality. (Sura-i-Pen, Verse 4) said. O, how great is Allah. His infinite grace and look great in a phase, the Honorable Messenger itself is graced with good morals, though in this lovely temperament relative to Habib said: Youre big on morality commanded. Then PBUH to the people: Allah swt like good manners, bad case of the buğzed, he ordered. Hazrat Ali (Radiyallahu Anhu) from stated: Kapur for any need to come to the aid of his brother and himself from the religion of this work is selâhiyett blind anyone would be surprised. Good deeds and fear of sin, even if there should be rushed to the aid on behalf of humanity and good morals; reason for this delay is the way of salvation. On top of this guy: - You heard it from the Honorable Messenger? He asked, Hazrat Ali: - Yeah, I heard. He was nobody in this respect the most auspicious acts. Even the captives of the tribe Tayyar when presented to the Honorable Messenger, the Honorable Messenger of them a young girl: - Prophet Muhammad, who was the head of the tribe, I Hate My Sufâney-i Tais daughter. My father, the right to love, hands found under the well to treats, prisoner releases, the hungry fed, the sow feeding the bows, for the requirement that blank does not translate, generosity and sahâvet the Meshumar an essence is. If you do not want me to be my crappy and miserable, release me let me go, he said. The Messenger-i Ekrem: - O Carie! This is also characteristic of the believer you directly. Even though your father was a Muslim, he would have mercy, pray. This girl release. Because of this moral virtues like his father. Allah swt commanded like the good morals. In the meantime, Abu Burden b. Ered stood up: - O Messenger of Allah, Allah swt loves virtue ethics? he asked. Prophet Muhammad PBUH (peace be PBUH): - Who holds the power of my temptations I swear to God, that those who enter Heaven but ordered a nice habit. Muadh b. Jabal (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrated from, according to the Messenger of Allah PBUH (peace be PBUH) said: - Islam Allah swt surrounded with good morals and good deeds, equipped. People nice to make a living and their well-treated there, be humble, from the hands as much as anyone to do good to eat, to feed, to salute the bad guy, albeit a Muslim patient to visit the Muslim funeral tesy of, to Muslim and non-Muslim neighbors with to have a good, old Muslims, to respect, to accept this invitation, the invitation to the owner to pray, to forgive, mediation, to cömerdlik, times and SEMAHAT (generosity, do-gooder), to salute before the start, the fury beat peoples flaws to donate, Islam haram of the things to avoid (gaming, gambling, folk, song, etc. ... etc) backbiting, lying, stinginess, cruelty, deceit, treachery, promise to show around, araboz to relatives to do with the cut, bad morals, arrogance, brag, self-righteous, people against the teeter, language Extending the more glorified, exorbitant promises, talking bird investigate, hatred, envy, tacular (sinister counting, blabber vision), wickedness, hostility and persecution to avoid the bad case, made of good morals.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 18:22:45 +0000

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