The Protestant Movement. As every Christian should know, the - TopicsExpress


The Protestant Movement. As every Christian should know, the Protestant Movement belongs to that group of churches who have a building on just about every street corner and in every town and city in the known Christian world today. It is estimated that the populace is in the many millions of patrons to these church buildings each and every week of the year, they go to worship God our creator and learn more about Him, !! Or do they? To answer that question you will have to ask them this question: Are you, as the Protestants, protesting still, and if you are, then what is it that you are protesting about? From all observations they seem to have forgotten about the men and the movement which started it all off, the likes of Wycliffe, Jerome, Huss, Luther and Knox to name but a few, these fine men, who gave their lives for their cause were the very instigators of the Protestant movement which you see today. Most people you ask would not have a clue about the originality of the movement they are supposed to be following, their own church history if you please. Do they not know it is the church on the corner with usually the highest steeple that is the one they are supposed to be running away from? But are they running away, or have they taken some reminder of the mother church with them? Martin Luther learned his bible truths from a Bible which, mind you, was chained to a monastery wall, why were the people denied it? In case they learned some bible truths I suppose, Luther was enraged enough to nail his 95 objections to the door of the Roman Catholic Church at Wittenberg, and from that day a movement was born, and you will see the evidence today with the amount of Lutheran churches around the world. All the earlier founders of the Protestant movement were martyred in some awful way, to protect the mother church and her beliefs from collapsing into oblivion. They were burned at the stake, impaled on spikes, pulled apart in the dungeons of the churches, and so on. The roots of all the Christian churches today, bar a couple, were born at this time of the reformation; the Protestants departed the mother church and severed their ties completely! Did I say completely? Well not quite completely, you see they all took with them a few reminders of the mother church, although they will argue fiercely, and point to some obscure bible passage to the contrary, nevertheless it is a fact, that they all took some part of the Papacy’s dogma’s along with them and are teaching them today as fact. Here I had better name some before you go red in the face and tear this up, probably at the end you will tear it up if you are not honest with yourself and go to your bible and check for yourself, also this is not directed at any persons in particular, it is the movement which is at odds with the teachings of the bible and not any individual, I think that there will be many devout Catholics in heaven after our Lord has been back to resurrect His saints from this sinful earth in that day, the bible describes that day as “the great day of the Lord and who will be able to stand”. In a Catholic church building you will find, (usually at the door but not so much nowadays,) the Ten Commandments, there is a difference though as they have altered them to suit their ways, the 2nd has been removed, the one on idol worship, and the 10th is split into two parts still making ten altogether, the 4th is now the 3rd and has been altered to just read “Remember the Sabbath day” and leaving out the rest of the commandment which states the one particular day that God made different, He set it aside as Holy, Sanctified and Blessed. That day is the seventh day. Well you say, we certainly don’t worship any idols in our church, that may be quite true I say but what about the other anomaly with God’s law, you have taken the altered 4th Commandment with you to immortalise the mother church, and there is no way you can argue with that, look at your bible and see if I am not right; Gen. 2: 1-3, Ex. 20: 2-17, and Deut. 5: 6,-21, then to your history books to see when the Roman ,Emperor Constantine made the first law to keep Sunday as a holy day and you find it was on March 7th 321ad. Today only the Catholic Church should be open on the first day of the week which we recognise as Sunday, the Greeks named it the Sun’s day as they worshipped the Sun, then the Romans named it Dies Solis in Latin and Sunday in English. There is a law passed by the Catholic church which gives the true Bible Sabbath keepers the death sentence and that was passed in 450ad and is still in force today, believe it or not this so called church has put to death between 50 and 100 million dedicated souls whose only crime was to go against the teachings of the Catholic church, will they rise to this level of power again to torment us who try to keep the Commandments of God as they are written? Now to the rest of the anomalies with the Bible from the so called mother church, these are mostly festivals, which you would think were harmless enough, but wait and see, in 300ad they bought into the church the saying of prayers for the dead, totally against the teachings of the Bible, and today, lots of well meaning so called Christians, will pray for loved ones after they have died and are returning to dust as our maker has so explicitly said in His word, they have not gone to Heaven as some would have you think and you cannot pray for them, just think about it, if you went to Heaven when you died, then why would our Lord Jesus need to come back to resurrect us all, the people who believe this are the Sadducees of today. Then the baptism of babies, Jesus gives us the lesson of when to be baptised, and also John the Baptist. If you are old enough to repent of your sins and dedicate your life to Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour, that is the time for baptism. Sprinkling babies comes from Babylonian teachings, to appease the rain god so that he wouldn’t flood the earth again. The Babylonians had many strange things which they idolized or worshipped. The sun, the moon, certain of the planets, then things which they had crafted after the fashion of their many gods, cats and dogs and many other beasts of the field, silver and gold fashioned into idols and trinkets, you can read about our brother Paul, who had a difference with the idol makers who were making the Diana dolls, he caused a great uproar in the city just for preaching Jesus Christ to the people, “great is Diana of the Ephesians” they all chanted, that was at Ephesus where the great temple was dedicated to Diana their goddess, this goddess was supposed to have come down to them from Jupiter, this was all handed down from the pagan idol worshippers in Babylon, is it any different today? Are you one who goes along with the pagan festivals? Easter is one example, a festival to the fertility goddess, the queen of heaven, hence the Easter bunny and the egg, symbols of fertility and made into a yearly celebration today by none other than the Catholic church, this also has it’s roots in Babylon as the feast of Ishtar. The pagan sign is a cross within a circle, have a look in your nearest cemetery, you will see many of these signs on gravestones, I have always wondered why some people would want to advertise the fact that they were pagans by having this sign on their graves, now why do you have hot cross buns at Easter? Look at the sign on the bun, a cross within a circle, do you see the connection, it makes you think doesn’t it. “The festivals of Rome are innumerable” writes Alexander Hislop in his book “The Two Babylon’s” Just to name a few; Easter, Lent, the Trinity, All Saints Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Halloween, Fish Day, Monks and Nuns, but the greatest of deceptions would have to be the Christmas lie, the whole world is caught up in this one, the roots of this festival started in Babylon with the worship of the moon and the sun, it has to do with the northern winter equinox when the sun has it’s shortest cycle, the 22nd of December. This is when the Babylonians thought that their god, the sun, was dying. Then the days started to lengthen and by the 25th of December they decided to make a festival in honour of the rebirth of their god, the sun. The sun had died for 3 days, then it rose from the dead. This is how the 25th of December came about, how it acquired the name “Christmas” could only have come from the church of Rome, the two words Christ and Mass have been joined together to make one word, and to the delight of Satan and the Catholic church the whole world now joins in to celebrate the rebirth of the sun god. You can take it or leave it, but the fact still remains that it is Sun worshipping. “And all the world wondered after the beast” Rev. 13:3, Another lie of equal importance is the Trinity lie, that God and His Spirit are separate entities. Our God has said “My Spirit will not strive with man forever” God can give you of His Spirit to guide you if you want it but He will not strive with you forever if you do not want Him to be with you. The majority of the world today has rejected God’s pleadings and are following their own ways. God has given us “His will” to follow - the Ten Commandments if you please are God’s will. He wrote them down on two tables of stone as an everlasting covenant between Him and us, mostly today the world follows along the lines of these 10 laws but you will see the signs of them being broken more and more towards the end of all things in this planet’s sinful existence, they are rejecting the pleadings of God so that He has no choice but to sadly withdraw His Spirit from the world until one day, Satan will have total control over all things except the true followers of God and His will. “Revelation 14: 12, Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus”. The saints in the dark ages 538ad to 1798ad had to have great patience and perseverance to be able to withstand the persecutions of the church of Rome system, but God’s people had something very special, it was God’s Spirit within them that drove them all on, the church of Rome did destroy between 50 and 100 million souls then, but they could not destroy God’s people as they will rise again to victory when Jesus returns, what a shout that will be, I just pray that you and I will be there to add to that glorious shout of victory, “O death where is thy sting, O grave where is thy victory”. Don’t forget that these people were persecuted for keeping the law of God as it is written and what really irked the church of Rome was the keeping of the 4th commandment - God’s Sabbath day to be precise, we are told very plainly in the Bible that we will be persecuted for keeping God’s law but that should spur you on knowing that God is on your side in the great battle for good in this evil world. For those who are now saying that the Sabbath is done away with or altered or is for the Jews or was nailed to the cross or any other weak and lame excuse to not be on God’s side I will endeavour to point you in the right direction, although you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Moses was given the ten laws on Mt. Sinai he was also given the various judgements that the people should follow in the sanctuary, all the laws pertaining to the sanctuary were nailed to the cross when Jesus was crucified on that Wednesday, He was the sacrificial lamb, He then rested in the grave on Thursday (15 Nisan), until after the weekly Sabbath (17 Nisan) was finished and was resurrected while it was still dark on the 3rd day, Sunday, by the Father in heaven. Jesus still bears those scars for us. Moses was spoken to by God in Exodus 31: 12, to 18, Speak to the children of Israel saying, Verily my Sabbaths you shall keep for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations … for a perpetual covenant … Please read through the rest of it, a perpetual covenant sounds quite permanent doesn’t it, as this next verse will confirm; Isaiah 66: 22, 23, For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before me, says the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me says the Lord. How can anyone argue with that, you wouldn’t want to try to argue with God anyway, the fact is the Sabbath will be kept in the new earth, so why would you not want to please God and keep His Holy Sabbath day now? Just for the Jews - Was Adam a Jew? He followed the Sabbath day for 930 years. Romans 11: 12, For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. Galatians 4: 26 to 29, For you all are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, for as many of you as have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus, and if you be Christ’s then are you Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. We are all spiritual Jews, our Lord Jesus was born a Jew and He is coming back to this earth with the Holy City called the “New Jerusalem”. The plain fact is that everyone kept the Sabbath up to about 300 years after the death of Jesus, then Satan through paganism started to infiltrate the true church, compromise was put into place and the rest is just history, the Catholic church make no bones about them being the ones who have altered the day of worship but are very clear on the fact that they don’t know why the protestants are following them as they, the protestants, have stated that they wanted the Bible and the Bible only as their guide yet they are contradicting themselves by following the traditions of the Catholic church. These are the words as read out by The Archbishop of Reggio at the Council of Trent about 1530 to 1550 from the pamphlet “Rome’s Challenge” “The protestants do claim to stand upon the written word only, they profess to hold the scripture alone as the standard of faith, they justify their revolt by the plea that the church of Rome has apostatized from the written word and follows tradition. Now the protestants claim that THEY stand upon the written word only is NOT TRUE, their profession of holding the scripture alone as the standard of faith is FALSE! “THE PROOF” The written word explicitly enjoins the observance of the SEVENTH DAY as the Sabbath day! They do not observe the Seventh day but REJECT IT! If they do truly hold the scripture alone as their standard then they would be observing the seventh day AS IS ENJOINED IN THE SCRIPTURES THROUGHOUT, yet they not only reject the observance of the Sabbath as is enjoined in the written word but they have adopted and do practice the observance of SUNDAY for which they have only THE TRADITIONS OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. Consequently the claim of the scripture alone as standard FAILS, and the doctrine of scripture and tradition as essential is fully established, THE PROTESTANTS THEMSELVES BEING THE JUDGES.” Most, if not all, protestants today would be horrified if you suggested that they were practicing Catholicism, but this is exactly what they are all doing, they are: “Following the beast” Revelation 13: 3, Our Lord Jesus has said quite plainly that you should: “Come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues” Revelation 18: 4, “Her” meaning the woman or the church, two women are described in Revelation, one is a good woman (church) and the other is a bad woman (church) the good woman is in chapter 12: 1, she is clothed with the sun (new testament) the moon under her feet (old testament) upon her head a crown of 12 stars (apostles) the bad woman is in chapter 17: 3, she sits on a scarlet beast who has 7 heads (7 mountains, Rome is built on 7 hills) and 10 horns (kingdoms, we can safely put Europe in there). Just look at when the Pope goes anywhere, Kings and Queens are bowing down to him, kissing his hand and lots of other nonsense, need we say more here but this: Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. As said before this is not directed at any persons but at an organisation which is controlled by Satan himself, only they would totally deny that fact. In this day and age the only thing to remember is to put your trust in the Lord Jesus and He will guide you through, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me”. He is the great “I AM”. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths”. God promises to heal you, but it is the heart which needs the healing and not our earthly bodies. Our brother Paul in his travels was told to endure his afflictions “My grace is sufficient for you” he was told and Paul tells us that he had fought the good fight and was looking forward to the resurrection for his crown of righteousness which he was promised, we also have that same promise if we love the Lord, Jesus said “If you love me, keep My commandments” They are not hard to keep if you are honest with yourself, follow me said Jesus many times, and that means you, He gave us two examples to follow: love God and love your neighbour as yourself. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. God bless you dear reader, I hope we meet one day inside the great city where our Lord God Jesus and the Father are. John Kilby
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 10:50:26 +0000

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