The Reptilian Brain: The emotional alarm center for the brain. - TopicsExpress


The Reptilian Brain: The emotional alarm center for the brain. The reptilian brain controls much more of our behavior than we realize. This is one of the key insights from body psychotherapy. When you calm the reptilian brain, you have more control over your thoughts and your intentional behaviour. Our brainstem is a top-of-the-line reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is located in the brain stem and both terms are used synonymously.1Phylogenetically-speaking, it was the first part of the modern brain to develop in human evolution. It operates behind the scenes, regulating our survival needs: food, oxygen, heart rate, blood pressure and reproduction, among many others. The brainstem is like a bodyguard whos always watching your back, constantly scanning the environment for potential threats. The reptilian brain also decides whether you will move into fight or flight. The thinking brain is too slow for such an important task. So for example, when a 90 mile an hour curve balls coming at you, its the reptilian brain that reflexively jerks your head out of the way before you even realize what’s happening. We cant leave our reactions up to the thinking side of the brain. Wed still be back there lying on the playing field wondering what happened and how we got that lump on the head! When you think of your instincts think, reptilian brain. Its responsible for our survival related functions like: breathing digestion circulation elimination temperature fight or flight movement, posture and balance.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 09:56:45 +0000

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