The Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo was attacked on Wednesday by - TopicsExpress


The Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo was attacked on Wednesday by two so-called Muslims who, it is reported by the mass media, slaughtered twelve people who were mostly cartoonists responsible for depictions of Prophet Muhammad pbuh. The magazine was also notorious for countless other controversial images and articles mocking social, political and religious norms. (the killers somehow knew the exact time and place where all those they wished to target would be sitting down for an editorial meeting). The media reported that two of those killed were policemen who were guarding the magazine premises. The media showed what purported to be the point blank execution of one of the policemen outside on the pavement, yet in the aftermath there was no visible sign of blood or other residue from a close range high caliber bullet to the head. (his killing was after the murders in the building, yet he was the guard outside the building),The gunmen escaped, conveniently leaving identification papers in the getaway car. The next day, Thursday, another so-called Muslim is reported to have shot and killed an unarmed policewoman in the streets of Paris. By Friday the first two so-called Jihad-dist were now fully identified with their photos and their histories completely documented and packaged. They were also by now, cornered and surrounded in a small town by police and the military in a print factory, and according to the media they were making it clear that, they were ready to die. Back in Paris the killer of the policewoman was also now fully identified, along with pictures of him and his Jihad-dist girlfriend. Then this guy decides to storm into a Jewish Kosher supermarket where he kills four people while holding many others hostage. In the end and almost simultaneously there are shoot-outs at the print factory and supermarket where all three gunmen are killed by the French security forces. Altogether over the three days I count nineteen dead, including the three gunmen, but the medias figure appears to be seventeen. I DONT BELIEVE ANY OF IT The Holy Quran, Chapter 49 Verse 6 says: O you who believe, if an unrighteous man (MEDIA) brings you news, look carefully into it, lest you harm a people in ignorance, then be sorry for what you did. I believe that September 11th 2001 was the greatest mass deception of the 21st century. The Bible predicts in Revelation, Chapter 12 Verse 9, Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. The whole world has been and continues to be deceived with this latest outrage. Check out Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: The so-called London suicide bombings of July 7th 2005 or 7/7, when closely examined throw-up far too many anomalies and we are left with more questions than answers, which do not fit with the official narrative or media spin. Check out: J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign: The last few days in France have been so well packaged that the whole event appears to have captured the imagination of the global masses, and to all intent and purposes, the people of the world (especially the so-called moderate Muslim), are so desperate to be seen to be standing in solidarity with the people who died and the magazine that they have adopted the French slogan JE SUIS CHARLIE (i am charlie), which very quickly went viral. However for me, I cant help thinking that those who stand to benefit from such atrocities, not Muslims, because if we were, we would be turkeys looking forward to Christmas; trust me, no self-respecting Muslim with a modicum of sense would be so dumb. No, for real answers you will have to look further afield to the military industrial complex, the international bankers, the Zionist, the shadow governments and those plotting to bring about a one world government or new world order, who even while I am writing this must be laughing in their sleeves over their champagne at the sheer gullibility of the masses, while at the same time they are passing a piece of paper among themselves, which reads: UN TAS DE CHARLIE (a bunch of charlies) According to the latest social evaluations based on the successful dumbing-down of the masses of the people, most people reading this will not get to the end because of a lack of attention span, so if you are one of the few reading these words, congratulations.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:06:28 +0000

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