The Senate Cloture Vote is our next hurdle • Senate - TopicsExpress


The Senate Cloture Vote is our next hurdle • Senate Republicans must insist Harry Reid pass the House bill as is, and demand a 60-vote threshold for any effort that would add Obamacare funding back into the House bill. • Senate Republicans must keep debate open in the Senate until they are given binding assurances that there will be a clean vote on the House CR which funds the entire government except for Obamacare. This means that Republican Senators must vote NO on cloture to end debate until such binding assurances are given. • Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is hoping to fund Obamacare on a partisan vote with 51 votes. • In order to vote to fund Obamacare, there must first be a cloture vote (a vote to end discussion and proceed with the actual vote). The threshold for the cloture vote is 60 votes. In other words, without Republican support, the motion to proceed and close debate will not pass. • We want to ensure that there will be a clean vote on the exact Continuing Resolution that passed the House, which funds the entire government and does not fund Obamacare. • If Republicans hold firm, we will win this fight and Obamacare will not be funded. Comment and Questions to ask your Senator When you call your Senator’s office, be sure to say: As a voter in your state, I recognize the importance of keeping the government funded, and encourage the Senator to do that through this bill. As such I ask that you only vote to end debate when you have binding assurance that the House CR which funds the government and does not fund Obamacare will be have a clean vote. As Sen. Reid tries to amend it, and you deliberate the decision you’ll be making in the Senate, consider these questions: • Do you want to vote to fund a law that an ABC News/Washington Post poll shows 9 out of 10 Americans believe is not ready to implement? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that most Americans do not want? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that exempts Big Business? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that Big Labor says will shatter its members’ health care and the 40-hour workweek? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that exempts you and your staff? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that gives government control over one-sixth of the economy? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that is killing jobs in your state? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that is forcing employees in your state to work fewer hours? • Do you want to vote to fund a law that is forcing employers in your state to reduce or eliminate health care coverage for your constituents? Obamacare remains unworkable, unfair, and unpopular • The most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll shows 9 out of 10 Americans believe Obamacare not ready to implement. • The Obama Administration has granted more than 1,000 exemptions and waivers to Big Business, Labor Unions, and Congressional employees. • Obamacare gives the government control over 1/6 of the entire US economy. • Obamacare is already destroying the 40-hour workweek, as employers are forced to reduce their employees’ hours to avoid Obamacare taxes and penalties. • Congressional staffers, working in partnership with the Office of Personnel Management and the Obama Administration, devised a special exemption for themselves and for Members of Congress, which is not available to other Americans. • Obamacare will decimate the economy. Employers are looking for options to reduce their total number of employees and also relocating their plants and operations to China to escape the Obamacare taxes and fees. Fund the Government; Defund Obamacare. • The United States House of Representatives voted on September 20th to fully fund the government while not paying for any of Obamacare. • Obamacare cannot be implemented without funding. Congress controls the purse strings and has the authority to stop funding this disastrous law. • This plan fully funds the government. Anyone in Washington who says we are trying to shut down the government is being dishonest. We still have time to defund this terrible law. • As long as President Obama remains in the White House, there is no viable option to repeal Obamacare. However, we do have a very realistic chance to defund the law. In other words, we can strip out all of the funding for implementing this “train wreck” law. • The Senate will now take up the House bill. For Americans who are concerned about the impact Obamacare will have on our economy and our health care system, the plan to defund Obamacare is our best and last hope to stop the unfolding disaster.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:50:18 +0000

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