The Sixfold Purpose Of The Visitation Of Gabriel, 1961-0730E, - TopicsExpress


The Sixfold Purpose Of The Visitation Of Gabriel, 1961-0730E, Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S, (-) 27 Now, while in studying of the Scriptures, he seen time was running out, that the time of the seventy years... And Daniel solemnly believed every word that Jeremiah the prophet spoke. And I say to this, to my class tonight: Should we believe our prophets? Yes, sir. For the Word of the Lord came to the prophets. They have THUS SAITH THE LORD. And a true prophet will never vary from the--the other prophets word. Theyll never make It say something that It doesnt say. Theyll say just exactly what the true prophet said. That makes them a prophet. Then when they get that, and then they foretell what is to come, knowing this with fear in their heart, lest they should say something wrong, and it should lead somebody astray; we never want to do that. We want to be absolutely sure that we got the Word of the Lord before we say THUS SAITH THE LORD. See? It must be a absolute, direct message from the throne of God or we should never say it. The Law Having A Shadow, 1954-1203, Binghamton, New York, U.S.A., (-) 14 This is a brand new thing for me to start teaching in the Word. Now, years ago as the pastor up at the tabernacle, as a Baptist minister we used to have great classes; and we would run them maybe a series of subjects for a--a complete year: start in the Book of Genesis and just tie the Bible together. And start in the Book with Exodus and run it, the Book of Daniel, wherever... And maybe the Book of Revelations, and just take the entire book, where it... from place to place. And all of Gods Word is written by inspiration. Theres not a contradiction in the entire Bible. If there is I want to see it. Its nothing in there thats written that cannot be straightened out by the Word of God, if its rightly put in its place. But well never do it by--by mans understanding. The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible. And the Holy Spirit is the only One Who can interpret the Bible. And He will give it to us as we have need.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:38:37 +0000

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