The Sphinx is the vertical geographic center of the earth which - TopicsExpress


The Sphinx is the vertical geographic center of the earth which rotates through each constellation or age every 2,16 for a total of 25, 920 years which is a Sothic cycle or our suns revolution around its sun Sirius. Sirius is represented by Osirius and the constellation Orion is represented by Isis. On December 25 the sun is born from Osirius and Isis in the Orion constellation. The Aquarian age is represented by fire which is rapid vibration and higher frequencies. Man should be operating on the spirirtual realm during this age. The rulership of the planet will revert back to the original guardians, African. Heru-in-the-Horizon Heru-em-Akhet is not truly a Name of Netjer, but a divinized persona specifically applied to the great Sphinx stationed before the second pyramid (Khafre) at modern-day Giza. As protector of the Old Kingdom necropolis, Heru-em-Akhet sits facing the dawn and the Nile, watching that no one disturbs the rest of his masters, with his human head and lion body on a much grander scale than any other sphinx known to Kemet. The name also alludes to the presence of the king (Heru) inside the pyramid (more often than not called a horizon, symbolizing the death implicit in sunset and the rebirth implicit in sunrise The Sphinx was not built with quarried blocks like the pyramids and temples it guards, but carved out of the living bedrock. Its makers gave it a womans head and the body of a lion. It is 66 feet high and an impressive 240 feet long. It has the most extraordinary expression, like a hundred Mona Lisas all rolled into one. And its eyes gaze forever at the distant horizon due east, at the Equinox Point, at something not of this world but beyond the sky. The ancient Egyptians constantly referred to a remote Golden Age they called Zep Tepi, the “First Time” of Osiris, which they believed had long predated the Pyramid Age. Osiris was Orion, and the Great Pyramid had a shaft directed to Orion at the meridian. This astro-architectural language seemed to be spelling out, “Here is Osiris, in the sky when these pyramids were built…yet know too, that his origins are rooted in the “First Time”…but the “First Time” of what? How could the stars of Orion have a “First Time”? Well they can…and they do. Provided, of course, that you can read through the allegorical “language” of the ancients via the symbolic architecture and the related pyramid texts. Allegory, to put it in another way, is the “Q-Basics” of the master astronomers who designed the Gizeh complex. When the stars of Orion are observed on the meridian in the precise manner that the ancient Egyptian astronomers did over many centuries, they could not help noticing that these stars crossed the south meridian at different altitudes at different epochs. This, of course, is due to the phenomenon of the Precession of the Equinoxes. In short, the stars of Orion can be said to have a starting point or “beginning” at the nadir of their precessional cycle. Simple calculations show that this occurred in 10,500 BC... Could the ancient astronomers of the Pyramid Age have used their very clever “silent language” combined with the precession to freeze the “First Time” of Osiris – somewhat as the gifted architects of gothic cathedrals froze in allegorical stonework the “time of Christ?” In 1993 Graham Hancock investigated this issue. He was quick to realize the important implications this approach could have on the Sphinx problem. He had a hunch that the curious harking back to the epoch of 10,500 BC by the pyramid builders was an invitation by them to consider the actual age of the Sphinx. If this hypothesis was correct, then the Sphinx must be an “original” time-marker of that remote epoch, using a celestial tag valid for 10,500 BC. But which tag? What could the Sphinx be representing that was in the sky? Could this have something to do with the due east direction of its gaze toward the horizon? In his Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock pointed out that the “First Time” date of 10,500 BC also denoted the beginning (or “First Time”) of the Age of Leo. This was when the constellation Leo would have risen heliacally (at dawn before the Sun) on the day of the Vernal Equinox (March 20). This event brought the constellation to rest due east, thus in perfect alignment with the Sphinx. In other words, the Sphinx was made to look at her own image in the horizon – and consequently at her own “time.” Hancock pointed out that 10,500 BC was no random date. It precisely denoted another beginning…that of Orion-Osiris defined on the ground with the pattern and alignments of the nearby Pyramids. Could it be possible that some blueprint was put into motion in 10,500 BC with the making of the Sphinx, then to be completed much later by the builders of the Pyramids? As 10,500 BC was the beginning of the Age of Leo, and the zodiac signs move backward in the “Precession of the Equinoxes,” the building of the Sphinx denoted the time when the precession was changing, i.e., going from the Age of Virgo to the Age of Leo (an astrological age=2160 years). This is why the body of the Sphinx is that of a lion (Leo the Lion) and the head is that of a female (Virgo the Virgin). Thus we have the ancient Egyptians of Africa acknowledging the Precession of the Equinoxes by building the Sphinx, one of the true wonders of the world, in honor of their civilization going from the Age of Virgo to the Age of Leo in 10,500 BC…certainly their “First Time.”
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:02:00 +0000

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