The Term Big G & Me is a constant revolving message strolling - TopicsExpress


The Term Big G & Me is a constant revolving message strolling through my mind. Yesterday started out normal but then it quickly went in its own direction as I found myself in the ER being poked, imaged, and surrounded by about 12 different nurses, Doctors and staff. They all were sure I was having a face looked like melted silly putty on the left side...might I add not a good look. None the less I of course was joking with them all, and trying to do what I do best when I am scared...find the hope in humor. I was wheeled into the MRI room where I met a rather handsome man, he looks at my chart and says oh welcome to the 40s to which I giggle and say yep..welcome to the lap buddy (my new belly pooch) and these things (as I jiggle my arms for him) we both have a good laugh. He then looks at my chart and sees I am a Chaplain..which instantly changes the atmosphere in the room. He says oh your in ministry....yes I am, are you a believer? he looks down for a minute and quietly says...Yes,but I dont go to church enough...well ever...and I never know what to say to him, God I mean as I sit there on the gurney with my bum exposed I realize that God needed me there for him, that he was going to use even this event to glorify him. So I am going to tell you all what I told him. Many people show up to church every single Sunday, show up in their Sunday finest dressed to the hilt, bible in hand , sing the songs get up and down when asked. Then get into their cars drive off and nearly forget where they had just been as they speed off as quickly as they can. Now I am not saying this for all but I am saying that this is what happens for many. So many people think that being a good Christian is showing up every single Sunday to a Church building. Well its not about that at all...being a Good Christian is showing up every single day of you life next to God. Acknowledging him in the morning, the afternoon, dinner time and bedtime. Truly talking to him, and let me tell you what talking to him looks like....are you ready for it...hello Big G its me I want to thank you for today, thank you for my life, roof over my head... what ever you are grateful for what ever is on your mind...JUST TALK TO HIM. You do not need to use fancy words like thee thou and Holy God or Father God...nope not at all. It is as simple as God I am having a stinky day, can you help me get through it YOU JUST NEED TO TALK TO HIM. He hears you, he listens. I do encourage everyone to find a Church family if you can, if you cant there are several online Churches...and coming soon I will be having my own online Sunday Service.....just choose something that fits you, that feeds you the true word and one that makes you feel good. You will know when it is right because the moment you arrive feels amazing. If you miss a Sunday here or there it does NOT make you a horrible this Gentleman was telling me in the ER he and his wife work Sundays do you really think God is ignoring him or mad??? NO, he is there helping Gods babies. In the end my message to him was this everyday needs to be all about Big G & Me the two of you together...wading through lifes events, from the spectacular to the worrisome and all in between. He is your nearest and dearest friend. If you allow him....he will even go set up camp right in your you cant get a friend any closer than that. I am well, yesterday Big G sat in a Coffin simulator (MRI) with me for over an hour keeping me calm...and he held my hand through the rest. I am fine my MS is just being a real stinker...but look...I found beauty right dead smack in the middle of the true God fashion he just showed up ....HE SHOWED UP because I choose to SHOW up with him. God is ABLE God is ABLE God is ALWAYS ABLE.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:11:56 +0000

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