The Tragedy Never Ends.... Today i will share a few words with - TopicsExpress


The Tragedy Never Ends.... Today i will share a few words with you as it has gone essential for me to reveal the hidden truth regarding the ongoing issue of Israel and Palestine. It is true that today we are living in the world of violence where there is no bond or unity. We the people have gone cruel to start genocide around the universe. All of you know that a massive massacre is going on in Gaza, led by an illegitimate state called Israel. The Jews of Israel are killing the innocent people of Palestine constantly which is nothing but a matter of concern for all of us. Let me take you back. both the Jews as well as the Muslims treated Palestine as a holy place. It was a historical land and remains holy still now. During the second world war Adolf Hitler killed approximately 6 million Jews alone but who survived had no place to live. Later in 1947 the United Nations took an initiative to divide Palestine into two states and are todays Israel and Palestine. the Jews accepted the initiative cordially but the Arabs could not. When the British left Palestine in 1948, Israel declared its independence. This has been a big crisis since then and there has been no peaceful solution so far. however this illegitimate country is legitimatized by the UN and the U.S.A. who are so called peace loving representatives of the world. The Jews are murdering the Palestinian defeating the lowest level of humanity and a number of innocent babies are murdered and civilians who are not trained to fight. Almost all the people of Palestine are screaming to have a better place to live while there is no response from the leading countries even from the United Nations but Russia who thinks of the people and an evident friend of the exploited people. what about the the UN as well the U.S.A? In the name of help and co-operation they are having a sound sleep. where are so called protectors of the religion of Islam I.S.I.L (Islamic State of Iraq and the Lib-ant) Taliban and Al- Qaeda? have they gone tired either taking preparation to destroy their respective countries? Stephen Hawking, the greatest scientist of the world recently did not attend a conference held at Jerusalem university and following him many of the scientists did the same even regarding Hawkings u turn ERA (European Research Area) has taken a decision to boycott Israel as well as its diplomacy. we should boycott the goods of Israel as the passport of Bangladesh proclaims that this passport is valid for all countries except Israel. One thing we should bear in our mind that the Jews of Israel are very talented and cunning. according to the history they had no religious faith on their God. it is high time the leading Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria changed their attitude and come forward to helping the helpless people of Palestine. i personally hate the Israeli because the have gone blood sucker to suck the blood of the Palestinian like the mosquitoes. this time is not so far that they will be given an exemplary price if our creator remains with us. we need someone like Vladimir Putin and Ahmed-E Nezad to enrich the religion of Islam to go back in Ottoman Empire of the middle age. it seems, today lasting peace is nothing but a dream for both states because there are extremists on both sides who dont want to live together maintaining peace and harmony without having independent land and emancipation. the question that frequently comes to my mind that who will compensate the innocent victims family of Palestine. we should stand beside them and say like Percy Byshee Shelly, a English Romantic poet The trumpet of prophecy O wind if winter comes can spring be far behind. here the wind stands for growth and change to welcome something new and spring indicates upcoming happiness. Now the United Nations should negotiate this on going issue combining the Islamic states to make sure transparency and to reach an understanding to gain advantage for collective and to satisfy their intended interests otherwise not only Palestine but also the entire world will have to experience the third world war and it may not be denied. According to the expectation of the PLO (The Palestine Liberation Organization)1964- now lets all hope the whole of the world takes a right right decision to protect the rights and privileges of the exploited Palestinian. The writer studies English Language and Literature at (N.U.B).
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:53:10 +0000

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