The Trainer: How quickly you reach your physical goals is - TopicsExpress


The Trainer: How quickly you reach your physical goals is largely contingent upon your ability to push yourself. My client is nearly 60 years old and looks amazing. Hes stronger than hes ever been and more fit than he ever imagined. While admiring his newly created physique he jokingly marvels at his reflection saying Man. I never had these ripples and bulges before. I look good! Lol. One of his proudest moments was his first fast paced 10 mile run. He completed it without stopping, walking, or injury. But the most admirable aspect of this gentleman is his ability to PUSH himself. He doesnt quit at the first sign of muscle burn or labored breathing. He doesnt say I cant when our workouts get difficult. He meets each new challenge with more tenacity and gives his all, all the time. This excellent quality is why he looks, feels, and performs better than most his age and younger. Lets get determined my friends.#proudtrainer
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 15:49:02 +0000

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