The Unitarian position was nationally based, and the European - TopicsExpress


The Unitarian position was nationally based, and the European system under the Roman beast wanted to create a system in the empire which was able to use Christianity. Binitarianism was philosophically incoherent and scripturally unsound. Unitarianism taught national judgment based upon the judgment of God according to the Blessings and the Curses under the law of God. Rome was a pagan system, with a pagan system of law, and the Triune God was the basis of the European religious structure. This conflict of law-order began the Arian Wars, even before it entered Europe, between the Greeks and what was termed the Scythians. Unitarianism, or Arianism as it was incorrectly called (assuming Catholic definitions are incorrect), was opposed to Satan’s system of law-order. The image to the Roman beast (Dan. 2:33,40-43; 8:21-27) had to be formed as foretold by Revelation 13:14-15. The very basis of western society is based on this pagan law-order. That is why it cannot survive. The nature of God determines the nature of government. For this reason, hierarchical systems defend through persecution the limited Godhead within a ditheist or Triune system. The Churches in the twentieth century are no different. Foakes-Jackson understands the inherent political nature of the struggle between the Teutonic and the Roman concepts of God. Neither were in fact correctly based. He says: We are convinced that the Arianism of the Visigoths, Lombards, Vandals, etc. was no more than a phase in the ecclessiastical struggle between the Teutonic and the Roman conception of Christianity. The barbarians desired to have their own national Church, and when they found a form of Christianity which kept them separate from the despised provincial and independent of the clergy of the Empire, they held to it with the proud firmness of a conquering race. Their natural reverence for Roman civilization made them as a rule nobly tolerant of the religion it sanctioned; and when they are said to have been persecutors the motive must have been mainly political. The inherent weakness of the barbarian occupants of the Roman territory was their incapacity for organisation, while the strength of the Romans in both their civil and the ecclesiastical polity lay in a system tested by the experience of centuries. The Arians were as little able to maintain themselves as the short-lived Teutonic kingdoms, and their clergy had ultimately to surrender at discretion to the better disciplined church of the Roman provincials. The destruction of Arianism as a rival system is one of the most important factors in the genesis of modern European civilization; for had the barbarian conquerors professed one form of Christianity and the weaker race another, no progress would have been possible. Oppressive as the unregulated feudalism of the dark ages was, it would have been intolerable if the conquerors had not the claim of a common Christianity to encourage consideration for their vanquished subjects (F.J. Foakes-Jackson, article ‘Arianism’, ERE, Vol. I, p. 783). This sort of double talk is classic of Trinitarian self-justification. In order to defend the Roman system against the Unitarian (so-called Arian) system, the Roman clergy used the power of the Franks to wage war on the rest of Europe, state by state, until they had subjugated the rival and more tolerant Arian systems while they were still in a state of flux. The Roman Church plunged Europe into the Dark Ages so that it could wrest total power and enshrine the Roman system, making the image to the beast. This system was to last from 590 to 1850 or 1,260 years (see the papers General Distribution of the Sabbath-keeping Churches (No. 122) and The Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-keeping Churches (No. 170)). It should be evident that the nature of God is central to the system of government that the nation or group adopts. Satan was given a period of six thousand years in which to develop a system that governed the earth with justice in accordance with the nature of God. Instead, he chose to adopt a system that runs counter to the nature of God in accordance with a Godhead that represents his nature and rebellious ideology. The Triune system is his symbol and is placed in situ against or counter to the laws of God. However, Satan and the demons operate within the limitations God has imposed on them. In a short period Satan’s rule will be over. We were called out of the world and the worship of the god of this world to an understanding of the One True God and His law-order. That is why we are in conflict with the world systems and are persecuted.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:55:00 +0000

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